The group's moods glisten at the sound, smiling at how Namjoon lights up while explaining the rhythm of the outside world.
How come Christmas wasn't like that for us Tae?
Cause it was a time for the carers to have fun, and we were the toys.
"But my most favourite part of the whole event is decorating the house. So that's what we are doing today." He Jumps about, looking at Jimin with a kinky smirk.
"Cool! This sounds much better than our last chr-" H
"Let's do this!" Jin interrupts once again.
Let's hope this works.


"Who wants to put the Star on the tree?" Namjoon says, showing the ornament which sparkles by the fairy lights. Sector 6 can now be confirmed as a winter wonderland.
Tinsel is hung from cracks in the ceiling above, swooping down to half a meter over head height. The couch has been covered by tartan blankets, faux pillows and festive cushions. There are scented candles sitting atop a makeshift fireplace, spreading the scent of cinnamon, gingerbread and berries around the room. Fairy lights twinkle from the brim of the walls, being the only source of warm brightness other than the blowup creatures sat oddly here and there. But the Christmas tree is the main event. With hanging baubles of festive colours, aesthetic ornaments, and the soon to be star of Bethlehem crowning the pine with elegance.

"I do!" JM
"No me please," Y
"I'm the youngest though!" JK
"Fight me for it." T
"Guys, why not Eomma?" Hoseok suggests, to which Jin protests.
"No, no no no one of you do it." H
"Why don't we all?" The group all stare at Namjoon's thought, then giggling and nodding their head in agreement as they circle the tree.

"Right, can everybody reach?"
"Barely." Yoongi mumbles under his breath.
"Same," Jimin sighs as the rest all laugh at their disadvantage.
"Ready?" Their hands all attempt to grasp a corner of the star, managing eventually.
"One..." J
"Two..." H
"Three!" NJ

And there it stands, loud and proud, a staple of the beginning of Christmas.
"Pretty!" JM
"So when is the big day Joonie, Christmas itself?" Jin questions, looping their arms as an automatic comforting mechanism.
"About three weeks away I think." NJ
"What? That's ages away..." Jungkook huffs, crossing his arms and stomping over to flop on the sofa.
"It will fly by, trust me." NJ
"So what are we meant to do until then?" Jimin giggles, shuffling himself, Yoongi and Hoseok backwards to a specific spot.
Sly, very sly.
"Well there are lots of activities to do, and traditions. Like this for instance, all of you look up."
The elders of the trio raise their brows before tipping their head backwards to reveal white berries, tied with red ribbon and trapped by leaves hanging above.

"What's that?" Hobi wonders aloud, reaching up to fondle the thing.
"It's mistletoe, if you stand underneath it you must kiss whoever is nearest. It's a sign of love." Namjoon grins as he witnesses the blush throb against their cheeks, of course, not Jimins.
"Achem..." Yoongi awkwardly looks away while scratching his neck, rolling his eyes at an annoying pair of maknae's, who are sitting with the stupidity grins on their faces.
"I uh... I-"
They both turn to face him, but Jimin's lips were faster as they smash against Hobi's.

Yoongi stares in awe, watching his... Friends? Kiss each other ravishingly, mere inches away.
Jealous Yoongs? Namjoon thinks.
He can't blink, not wanting to miss a second of their rhythm. His eyes eventually forced shut when it becomes his turn.
Jimin's lips are plumper than they look, Yoongi recognizes easily as he meets the beat he once watched. They remain for the same time as the last, but Hoseok and Yoongi want more.
They look at each other before continuing their session.
This can't be real. Y
This must be a dream. H
So I wasn't the only one? JM

The boys pull apart, flushed and out of breath from the event.
"We shouldn't have watched that should we of Namjoon?" JK
"Well I didn't expect tongue, damn y'all were thirsty!" NJ
"That was hot." T
Namjoon laughs at Jin's excitement, pulling him over to the youngest, allowing the other's to figure out what just happened.

"So..." Yoongi begins, scratching his neck out of nervousness.
"Well that was..." H
"I like you guys." Jimin blurts out. "As in, like like you guys. Maybe love? Ever since that event, and I saw how strong you both were, and how nice you were to me to save me from breaking. I love everyone in this room with all my heart, but I can imagine myself with you two..."
"I feel the same way." H
"I thought I was the only one." Y

"But isn't it wrong, to be like that, to feel like that?" Yoongi stresses a hand to rub his eyes.
"We're in an asylum hyung, we already aren't right." Jimin instinctively puts his hands up to stroke their cheeks, softly. "Namjoon told me that we are Plotterandricus-"
"Polyamorous!" NJ
"Yeah that... So. If you want to, will you be my boyfriends?" JM
They all smile widely at one another, creating yet another tight hug. But this one smaller, and special.
"Obviously." They say in sync.


A/N ~
As this has been ranked so high in Yoonminseok, I have decided to change my whole story to fit it as a real relationship! But who doesn't love a good bit of polyamory? Especially when it comes to Yoonmin, Sope and Jiseok all at once!
~ Author Carys xx

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