From stories from my grandmother, my mother was a strong independent, woman.

But then when she met my father, she changed.

She just wasn't the same woman as before.

She relied too much on chefs, maids, and other people to do her work.

Like taking care of her children.

I don't think I can ever forgive her for that.

Let me further explain.

I never really 'grew up with parents.

Well yeah, they were around, but I was raised by Amy.

Amy is our nanny who took care of Ally and I our whole lives. 

She was the one who made sure we had breakfast, lunch, and dinner, she took care of us if we were sick, she read us bedtime stories when we were little girls, she made sure we got the sleep we need, and well, everting parents should do.

My father is a different story.

He is nice and cares for Ally and I, but he is never around.

We talk to him every once in a while, but that is like what?

Once a day?

I don't even think we ever talked to him for more than ten minutes.

But it's not like he doesn't want to.

He tries, but it's like the world just... pulls us away from him.

And that... is work.

He works all the time, and when he's not, he is at least thinking of work.

He doesn't hate his job, he likes being in charge of his own big company. He's just never around. 


I feel an elbow to my side and I turn to my sister who nods her head at my mom.

"Did you hear what I said?" My mom asks looking at me.

I give a questionable look as she only rolls her eyes.

"Excuse my daughter, Ella these kind men are asking you a question." She says.

I look at everyone at the table who was looking right back at me.

Then, one of them spoke up, "How would you like to be on the cover of our next magazine." He says.

My eyes go wide.

Mostly because he is asking me and not my sister.

She was the one who was usually asked to be in magazines for the company.

I can't help but secretly glare across the table at my mother, knowing that she definitely was a part of this. Just like she always is. 

She knows I don't like taking part in dad's company. She knows that I don't like the spotlight, the fame, and the title of being a daughter to one of the wealthiest men in the state of California. 

Why would she set me up like this? 


I swear.

It just slipped out.

My mom's eyes go wide as she clears her throat, "What she means to say is.."

I try to control my anger as I look away from my mother. 

I would be lying if I said this didn't happen often. I can't even have dinner with my parents without them forcing me into something for the company.

It's all business. It always has been, and it always will. I will always be a chess piece in my parents' game. 

"No thank you," I say standing up. I hear Ally gasp as I look at my parents. 

I can almost feel my mother's anger coming off of her in waves.

"Why not, sweetie? It's a great opportunity." My mom grinds out through her teeth, trying to keep her temper at bay.

I was so going to get grounded for this.

"Because I would not like to take part in the magazine," I look at the man, "thank you for the offer, but my answer is a no."

I then excuse myself from the table and quickly walk to my room and shut my door.

I was about to take a seat on my bed but my door slammed open and my mom walks in with a hard look on her face.

"I can't believe you just did that Ella." She says starting to pace back and forth in front of me.

For the thousandth time today, I look down, "I'm sorry, I just-.."

"No! There is no excuse. You have embarrassed me and your father, you are to stay in your room-.."

"I already am in my room," I say looking back up at her.

She pauses, but then looks at my dresser and grabs my phone.

"You will not be seeing this for a very long time." She says holding it up in front of me.

She then turns on her heel and walks out of my room, but not before slamming my door behind her.

Welcome to my perfectly imperfect life.

This is the ending of the first official chapter of When We Crashed.

I hope you enjoyed it.



I am happy to answer any.

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