Why did this have to happen?

Start from the beginning

Lucas let out a small whimper in pain as he slightly moved from his position.
"Lucas!" I cried out with joy as Lucas seemed to be waking up.

Lucas woke up in panic and fear, he was also looking a little sick.
"Ness!" He began to cry "J-just do as the say O-okay! I-I don't want them to kill you!"
"Lucas, they haven't hurt you have they?" I asked. Lucas shook his head.
"Good, because if any of these assholes have hurt you, I won't hesitate to kick their ass!" I threatened.

"No fucking way!..." I heard a familiar stuffy voice gasp "Ness? Is that you!?"
"Huh? It depends... who's there?" I asked as I looked up at the towering golden throne in front of me.
"Come on Ness, don't tell me that you're friends with this useless blonde!" The voice sighed.

I squinted at the sphere like object that sat on the throne. I could just about make out person inside.
"Porky!? I-Is that you!" I asked. I could see him grin though the window of the sphere.

"I'm so sorry about all of this Ness... I can't apologize enough for all of this hassle." Porky quickly apologized "soldier! Untie him at once!"

Immediately, the soldier pulled me up from the floor and untied the ropes around my wrists.

"You damn right should be apologizing!" I shouted angrily.
"Uh excuse me! Do you know who you're taking to now! I'm the king of Nowhere island so watch your language!" Porky boasted proudly.
"Like hell! Royalty my ass!" I insulted "that doesn't mean you can kidnap us!"

It was all coming together now. Porky was the ruler of Nowhere island. No wonder Lucas hated him so much.

"Why do you of all people care what happens to Lucas?" Porky asked
"Because he's my...uh... friend!" I answered. It was a bad idea to admit to Porky that I loved him. It would just make things worse.

"Oh no Ness, someone like you shouldn't be hanging around a weak, useless brat like Lucas." Porky disagreed.
"I DON'T CARE! Lucas is the sweetest person I've ever met! So let him go before I kick your ass!" I threatened.

There was a small pause. I could tell that Lucas was scared for his life and was too frightened to do anything in fear of the consequences.

"Listen here Ness, I had respect for you but now that you're friends with this selfish, spoiled orphan, then my respect for you is gone!" Porky yelled.
"What do you have against Lucas?" I asked.
"He ruined all of my hard work Ness! He destroyed my city and pulled the last needle! I-I was doing it for the people of Tazmily, I was keeping them safe!" Porky tried to explain "Lucas destroyed the city in a fit of sadness after his mother had unfortunately passed away."

Lucas looked hurt as he heard what Porky had just said.
"No!...It's not true!!" Lucas shouted As he kicked his feet in anger as he tried to free himself.

"No Porky! Lucas told me everything! You brainwashed his brother!" I pointed out, defending Lucas.
"Lucas! How disgusting of you to try and get pity from Ness by lying!" Porky sighed in disappointment. "Lucas' brother actually came to me, looking for work as he wanted to provide for his younger brother."
"What!!" I cried out in confusion.

I didn't know what to believe anymore. I wanted to believe Lucas but Porky and the soldier's story made sense and really sounded believable but I just couldn't see why Lucas would lie.

"Lucas... this can't be true." I gasped in disbelief as I turned to him.
"ITS NOT!!" Lucas screamed.
"After Claus had heard that Lucas had gone on a depressed rampage, he was too scared to return home. He was embarrassed by what his younger brother had turned into and slowly tore himself away." Porky continued as he shook his head in shame.
"No! Stop it! Stop lying!" Lucas shouted.
"Lucas even killed his own brother in an act of rage against me." Porky added cheerfully.

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