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I run through the golden palace, my white gown blowing up behind me. Up ahead I can see Fandral getting closer on his ship. I run to the balcony and gracefully step onto the railing, propelling myself into the air and off the balcony. I hold up my hand and Fandral leans off the ship, grabbing it. He pulls me up and onto the ship.

"Good morning Princess!" He says, smiling at me. I grin back at him.

"Hello Fandral, this is quite the exciting start to my day!" I say. He grins.

"Your mother asked me to bring you to her, I figured this would be fast, and fun!" He tells me. I walk to the edge and face the wind, smiling, as Fandral steers the ship. We arrive at the gardens, where my mother waits. I step off the ship and walk to her.

"Thank you, Fandral." Mother says.

"Always a pleasure, My Queen." Fandral says, bowing and then flying away.

"My beautiful Aurora, how are you?" Mother asks me as we walk into the gardens.

"I am well, mother. And you?" I ask.

"I am fine, thank you. Have you seen your brother yet?" I shake my head.

"Not yet. I was planning to head there this morning." She nods.

"Just know, my darling. He is going to be different than how you last saw him."

"I know. I do know what he did, mother. And I'm not a child, I can handle him." She smiles and nods at me.

"You may not be a child, but you will always be my baby." I roll my eyes and grin at her. She pulls me against her in hug. "You do know I love you, right?"

"You tell me everyday, mother." We both chuckle, then she pulls away and takes my hands.

"Have you been practicing your magic? Let me see." I walk to a broken branch on one of the trees and wrap my hands around it. Gold magic swirls around my hands as the broken limb raises to meet the other end. I pull my hands away to see the mended branch. I then bend down and face my palms to the ground. A purple flower sprouts and blossoms in front of me. My mother smiles at me. "My beautiful healer. You will make an amazing Queen."

"Is that what you're planning to make me?" She shrugs.

"Well, Thor seems to not want to take the throne. And Loki has done some things that make him... unworthy. So, you're the next one in line my love. Unless Thor comes to his senses." She winks at me.

"I hope he does. Being a Queen, I believe it
is too stressful. I want to help Asgard as it's princess, not rule it as it's Queen." She takes my hand and leads me back to the entrance of the garden.

"And I love that you want to help. But being a Queen, it's rewarding." I nod.

"Well, mother, I have to be off then. I have a prince to visit." She nods.

"Be careful, my flower." I walk away from her, smiling at the clear skies.

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