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hyunji pov

"yah bang hyunji, come here" jeongin said as he called me over. "i didn't get to accomplish my goal yet from before we got distracted" he said as he looked at me fiercely. i gave him a confused look. he cupped my cheeks and closed his eyes pulling us together. soon i felt a pair of soft lips against mine that tasted like toothpaste. i smiled in the kiss and kissed him back. yang jeongin stole my first kiss.

he pulled away and looked at me with redness growing over his ears and cheeks. he looked so flustered and he looked so cute. i'm not sure what this feeling is, but it increased for jeongin and decreased for sihyun.

"that was a close one. sihyun was walking back over here in your direction. my first thought was to kiss you so he'd leave. i'm sorry if it was so sudden" he said as he held onto the bar of the cart for support. i laughed a bit.

"your first kiss?" i asked him as the redness in his face that was going away quickly came back. "y-yes." "me too" i said as i smiled and hopped back in the cart. "now let's go!! i'm hungry" i said as we both laughed and went to go pay.

we payed for the groceries and split the bag so we'd both be carrying an even amount. jeongin offered to carry the bags but i couldn't let his skinny arms carry all 10 bags, they'd break off.

we soon reached the playground near my house, but then we heard someone yell "bang hyunji!! wait up" jeongin and i both turned around as we saw sihyun running over to us as if he'd been searching for us for a while.

"jeongin, may i have a chat with hyunji... alone?" sihyun said as jeogin hesitantly nodded and took the bags away from me sitting on a nearby bench.

"yes oppa? please hurry, i have to get back quickly. chan is cooking for the boys and i" i said as i looked back over to jeongin who was taking a sip of water.

"do you, like jeongin? does he like you?" sihyun asked as he looked right into my eyes not letting me break the contact. do i like jeongin?

"i-i don't know sihyun. why?" i asked. "he kissed you hyunji. a boy doesn't just kiss a girl without liking them" he said as his eyes showed angry and jealousy.

"he's helping me move on from my first love. he's taking the pain away." i said as i looked down at the ground. "why couldn't you ask me for help? why couldn't i have helped you get over him? why jeongin?" sihyun said as he lifted my chin up so i'd look at him.

"because... you are my first love. i can't turn to you if it is you, sihyun" i said as i felt my eyes water up. sihyun looked shocked, as if he didn't know. "why didn't you tell me? hyunji, you are my first love too." he said as he held my hands.

"you always go to other girls, always party, always sleep around. it's hurts me! and honestly, i think i like jeongin. the way i feel when i'm with him is the way i felt with you but 10x more." i said as i looked back at jeongin again. he smiled and waved at me. i laughed and dinthe same thing back. "see?"

"what does he have that i don't? i can change just give me a few months. i can be all yours!" i just laughed pathetically. "sihyun, i waited for years. i'm tired now. when you make me cry and upset, jeongin makes me laugh. he's always there for me and treats me like a friend or his girlfriend. you? you just treat my like a sister. i'm tired of my heart being used as a toy by you. i have been your toy for too long. my heart is tired. it's time for it to be fixed and jeongin is the only one that can do that." i said as tears ran down my cheeks and sihyuns.

"i'm sorry sihyun, but i don't feel the same way anymore. i mean yes, i did love and yes i always will. shit you're my first love. everyones first love still has a special place in their hesrts. but right now, my heart calls for jeongin and that's what i'm aiming for right now. so please, let me go and let me finally be happy sihyun. still see me as a little sister, still ruffle my hair, still go on dates. none of those hurt me anymore." i said as we both cried more. this time jeongin noticed and ran up to me and grabbed my cheeks.

"no, no, no hyunji please don't cry. it'll be okay. you'll be okay. don't cry okay? it pains me" he said ashe hugged me and caressed my hair. "i'm fine jeongin. just talking to sihyun. give us a few more seconds okay?" i said as jeongin wiped away the last few tears. he nodded and handed a napkin to sihyun "wipe them away. it'll leave tear stains." jeongin said as he smiled lightly and took a seat again.

"i see what you mean... he seems like a good guy... i wish you nothing but happiness hyunji. i guess this is me letting go right? goodbye, bang hyunji." sihyun said.

he turned his back and walked away without looking back. after he was out of sight i did the same thing. but unlike sihyun, i have jeongin to go to. my shelter.

yang jeongin, it's only been 5 days but you make my heart beat so fast. i think i like you?

convenience store || yang jeonginजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें