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hyunjin pov

the four of us walked into class together. truthfully it felt like we were in a drama. everyone stopped talking and their heads snapped towards us as everyone cleared rhe way so we can walk through.

"hello! we are probably going to be the loudest group of kids in this class so please take care of us well! let's all get along and play fair." seungmin said as he gave us the 'introduce yourselves' look.

"i'm seungmin" he said as he made a peace sign near his eye and winked.
"felix. i'm from australia" felix said as he shoved his hands into his pocket trying to be cute, i laughed a bit which made everyones attention turn to me
"i'm hyunji. bang chans younger sister" i said as i smiled a bit. everyone had a shocked look on their face.
"i'm j-jeongin!" jeongin said as his ears turned red. he avoided eye contact with the kids in front of us and it made my heart hurt a bit.

"yah, you 4 in the back near the window. can you all take the 4 seats up front so we can sit at the back? thanks" felix said as he pointed at the group of girls who of course stood up right away.

"thank you" i said as i bowed a bit to the girls in front of me leaving the seats. i sat near the window while jeongin sat next to me then felix then seungmin.

we met our teachers, got assignments, played a bit, had lunch, had breaks, sang, danced, and i loved everything about my class. we all got along well. but it was tiring, i was dying to go home.

"the four of you walk to slow" changbin complained as felix, seungmin, jeongin and i walked out of school together. i stuck my tongue out at changbin and linked arms with jeongin and felix who then linked their arms to seungmin. "now if you'd excuse us, we have to bring hyunji to her part time job. PEACE" felix said as he then ran dragging us with him.

"BYE JINYOUNGGG, GOOD LUCK ON YOUR STAGE" i yelled out to jinyoung as i was being dragged away.

after we got out of sight of the other boys we all unlinked arms except jeongin and i. it felt comfortable and nice. "jeongin, if you want, today you can have an interview! im friends with the boy that hires everyone. he's so nice. i bet if i say you're my friend he'll give you the job with no problem!" jeongin nodded as we walked into the cafe.

"aigoo, hello hyunji! i see you brought friends today. how wonderful" ms.choi said as i smiled at her and walked jeongin to the back with me.

"my man sihyun!! what's upp" i said as i walked through the doors to the staff lounge. "oh, annyeong hyunji! what happened?" sihyun was a handsome friend of mine. he was a boy i had a huge crush on to be honest. something like a first love, but it was only one sided. so i figured i should move on and that's exactly what i did in a way.

"you see.. my friend jeongin over here needs a job. he works at a convenience store that pays low instead of working here that pays well and has well staff too!! please allow him to work here" i said as i tried pulling off aegyo. sihyun laughed and ruffled my hair.

"anything for you, my little sister" my smile faded once he said 'little sister'. i tried getting over sihyun but everytime i see him with another girl or he does something like ruffle my hair i miss him and it pains me.

"jeongin right? no interview you're hited. let me know when you can work." sihyun said as he flashed me his key smile. "i-i can start today! now! with hyunji" jeongin said with a huge smile on his face. i smiled lightly and got right to work trying to get my mind off of sihyun.

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