Chapter13: Hello Boracay!

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Chapter 13: Hello Boracay!


"We're here!!" I squealed at the sight of the airport.

"Shush!" A grumpy Darren said.

"Lighten up! We're already hereeeee!Oh MYYYY gash!" I squealed.

"How can she be so active at 5am?!" Another grumpy Lynelle complained.

"I don't know" Tita mommy sighed,sleepily.

As you can see or rather read,I am the only one in the car who isn't sleepy or grumpy.

We got down the car and grabbed our luggages out.

"Bye mom!Bye dad!" I said hugging my parents.

"Take care Savannah!" They smiled.

"And you!" I said bopping my sister's nose.

(A/N: And here we go again....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPP!).

"Be good to mom and dad k?" She nodded and gave me a big hug.

"See ya in a few days" I gave them each one last hug.

Then I went over to Therese.

"Hey" I hugged her.

"Take care of yourself and Darren too.You know I really like Darren so please" She whispered,breaking the hug.

I nodded and then waved one last goodbye and went inside the airport.

We got in line then later was in the waiting area.

"I'm so excited!" I bounced up and down the chair.

"I get it your excited but please calm down!" Darren complained again.

"Whatever!!" I laughed.I remembered what I wanted to do with my camera so I brought it out and went to the video app.

"Hey guys! It's Savannah here! And right now we're waiting for our flight!" I started.

"As you can see,Everyone is very grumpy and sleepy" I told the camera,showing the Espanto's sleeping and Lynelle with a grumpy face on.

"Flight 25 to Kalibo is now boarding" The announcer said.

"Well goodbye Manila!" I said before turning off the video.

We got inside the plane and went to our seats which were in the very back.Lynelle,Tita mommy and Tito daddy were sat together while me and Darren were alone,across them.

We buckled our seat belts and then I got my phone out.

To:ThereseyPie,Mommmmmy & Daddddy

On the plane! Bye take care! Love you!xx

Before I turned off my phone I went to the camera and then tapped Darren,lightly on his shoulder.

"Yes?" He asked."Let's take a pic!" I said,He nodded and fixed his hair.

"1,2,3" then we started posing randomly.

I looked at our pics.The first was us looking like tamed animals,Then of course we can never forgot the funny face.

Then we did misfit sign,Duck face,Punching each other's cheek and a whole lot more.

"hey guys! We're on the plane now! So we're leaving in-Darren in 5 minutes right?" I asked the guy,who was taking selfies (as usual),he nodded.

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