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Hey guys so how many of you have love stories or you know those cliche crush stories you have? Please share them with me through message and I'll share mine with you too.

Why am I doing this though? To get more inspiration for a new story.Yes,you read it correctly.A new story...but here's the catch.

It's not going to be here in this account nor will it be a Darren fanfic sadly *sad face*.Though,if you want to still support me in writing those fairy tales please leave a message and I'll reply as soon as possible.

Also,Thank you guys so much for supporting this book.To be honest,I never thought that this book would get that much reads,votes and comments for being very very cliche but it still did.I love every single one of you and I,thank you because you all inspired me to keep writing.Candy for all of you! *showers candy* okay bye!

Love,B <3

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