The big reveal

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6 weeks later
I sit in a small room backstage at the tv show, while Madison is pacing the floor. "You better not embarrass me in there Tom. I want to see you at your most charming..gushing about how much you love me".

"Sure darling, we wouldn't want anyone to find out the truth, would we now ?" I deserve a fucking oscar for making this seem believable and maybe she does too. for coming of as the all american sweetheart, when in reality she is an evil, manipulative freak of a bitch.

She sends me a cold smile, her hand slowly stroking her neck. "No you wouldn't want that. And another time, be a little more careful when you know I have to be on tv. The make-up artist had a hard time covering the bruises".

"And what did you tell her ?" I feel sick. Sick about what this woman is manipulating me into doing. Sick that I sometimes choose to let go, getting the pain and frustration out in the most vile way. Knowing that she has another way of ruining me with this. But most of all pained that this isn't me at all... I am not like this.

"Nothing, I don't have to explain to someone like her". She say, stopping to examine her neck. "Well at least she did a good job".

I run a hand through my hair, earning me a glare. "Madison, why do you insist on doing this ? Why are you so hell-bent on going through with this, when you know I love someone else ?"

"Because I like having control of you.. bending you to my every whim". She muses, walking over run her fingers down my chin. "And I love the way you fuck me.. you keep saying it's not your thing, but you do it like a real pro".

"You are evil.. plain and simple". I hiss at her. Even this small touch from her makes my vision blur and my stomach clench up painfully. "You make me want to..".

Her hand caresses my cheek. "Make you want to do what Tom ? Slap me ?". Her hand slide down my neck. "Choke me ? My, my what would your fans think if they saw this side of you ?"

I grab her hair, pulling her face down to mine, whispering softly. "It makes me want to kill you, plain and simple".

There is a sound at the door and I let her go, just as a production assistant is opens it. "Miss Taylor we are ready for you".

"Thank you". She says, looking at me wide eyed. Then she turns on her heels and walk out the room... I sink back on the couch, letting out a frustrated sigh. That woman is driving me to insanity.

I pull the thin chain around my neck free from my shirt, clutching the A in my hand. I have started wearing the necklace, to always have it close to me. Closing my eyes, I try to remember her face. "Oh God I miss you... I am not sure I can take this much longer".

Keeping the necklace in my hand, whispering out my prayers.. I stay like that until they come to get me on stage, time for the big reveal.

I am laying on the couch, with my head in Zac's lap watching tv as he runs his fingers through my hair. Luckily he is 100 percent well again and have been for a while. And my mother hasn't made one comment about him to my knowledge. Not that she has accepted him, but she has stopped her attacks.

"Oh God not her". Zac groan as he zap to a channel with a very famous talk show, and a certain Madison Taylor is sitting there, smiling and laughing.

He raises the remote to zap to the next channel, but I put my hand on his arm. "Actually I would like to see what the big reveal is.. they have advertised it for days".

"Honestly she gives me the creeps. But okay, if you want to see her indulge in self promotion". He says with a sigh.

I watch as she chat with the host, she is all smiles and giggles. But I get the same feeling as Zac. Something about her gives me the creeps.

"So I hear you have a big announcement to make". The host say and I sit up.

Madison giggles and run her fingers through her hair in the front, very non-discreetly flashing the obscenely big engagement ring on her finger. The host grabbing her hand. "Is that ? Oh that is a very big diamond. Why don't we get that handsome man of yours out here and tell all about it ?"

"That ring is ... way to much". I say shaking my head. Honestly I can't believe that Tom went ahead and got engaged to this woman. But there he is coming down the stairs, smiling widely, kissing his fiancee on the cheek.

Zac roll his eyes. "Sorry but this I can't stand listening to". He switches of the tv and I don't complain. Poor Avery.

"I am going to miss you so badly". I say, kissing Zaina softly. We are at the airport because I am going to LA. "Maybe you could come out for a couple of days later on ?"

"Let's see. LA is not really me. But for you I might be willing to make an exception". She say smiling at me.

I kiss her again. Honestly I don't want to go. "Tell everyone hello for me. And keep an eye on Avery. I know she say she is okay. But it has to make her feel bad".

"I will. Remember to call me when you arrive. I love you Zac, always remember". She say, picking my bag up and handing it to me.

"I will and I love you too darling, more than anything. Talk to you as soon as I get to my hotel". I tell her, before making my way to security. When I look back, she blows me a kiss and I catch it, putting it in my pocket. It is going to be very long 8 weeks.

Love and other disasters (A Zac and Tom story)Where stories live. Discover now