The problem with spooning

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As soon as the girls are inside the trailer, Tom grabs my arm. "Why the hell did you tell me she wasn't attractive Zac ? She is a freaking goddess".

"I never said such a thing.. I said she was sweet and funny and she is". I say, sending him my sweetest smile. I knew he would like her.

Tom rolls his eyes at me. "I am sure she is Zac, but you and me both know that when you introduce a woman like that it means she isn't worth looking at".

"Does it ? I had no idea". I say, trying to hold back a laugh. "Sorry Tom, but it was just to easy and the look on your face was priceless".

He slaps the back of my head. "You are utterly impossible Zac...But damn now I regret not dressing up for the date".

"I don't think you need to worry about that... I mean the way she was looking at you, I think she was happy with what she saw". I tell him, rubbing my head.

He bites his lip for a moment. Then he looks at me again. "Thanks Zac, for talking me into this... I am actually kind of happy now I agreed".

"I knew you would be.. just call me Dr Love". I say grinning and Tom makes a motion like he is going to throw up.

"No.. not going to do that Zac". Tom says, walking over to the barbecue grill. "We better get the food ready".

I hurry over.. Tom and a grill could easily go very wrong. "You better let me handle that Tom, we don't want you spending your date in the emergency room".

"So giving everyone food poisoning from your cooking is better ?" He looks at me.

I sigh. "Okay.. I'll handle the grill, you handle the meat.. deal ?"

"Soo wasn't that bad was it ? And seriously he picked flowers for you, how sweet is that". I say looking at her.

She smiles, looking at the flowers. "Is it totally weird if I say that it was like .. I don't know..when he smiled, I stopped seeing Tom Hiddleston and just saw Tom, a man with dreams, insecurities and flaws like anyone else".

"No it isn't weird, that is how I see Zac. I don't see the actor, the celebrity. I just see my Zac". I tell her. "But I have to admit Tom is really charming".

  "He is very charming indeed". She bites her lip for a moment. "But you and are a couple.. you are in love, and don't deny it.. you might not have said it yet, but you two are so much in love".

I take a deep breath. "I can't talk for him, but.. well.. yeah, I can't deny it, I am so fucking madly in love with him.. I mean, look at him, how couldn't I be".

"I think it is amazing Jala, and Zac is a great guy, so go for it, be happy. You certainly deserve it". She say smiling at me.

I sigh. "Can you imagine me taking him home to mum and dad.. mum meet my hunky boyfriend.. by the way he is an actor, divorced and yes I am having sex with him, because he is so fucking sexy".

"Oh God, I can just Imagine her face". She say giggling like crazy. Making me giggle to. Then suddenly she looks so serious.

I look at her, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Is something wrong Avery ? You look almost sad all of a sudden".

"It's just, what is the idea here ? I mean yeah Tom is handsome, sexy and charming, and he seems like a nice guy, but he lives in London, so what is the idea in a date ?" She looks at the flowers.

I kind of get her. I mean Tom is only here for a couple of days and it would be hard starting something. "Well you don't have to marry the man.. enjoy the date, have a fling if you feel like it and see were it goes".

"I guess you are right. I mean no one says it would ever lead to anything serious no matter what". She say with a small smile. "Come let's get back out to the guys".

"Look at them, they are so cute". Zaina whispers... I am currently sitting with her leaned against my chest on a sun bed, looking up at the stars. Down by the table Tom and Avery is sitting close together talking in hushed voices. And I notice that Tom is holding her hand, there fingers intertwined.

I sigh. I mean I had known they would hit it of, but I am starting to fear that I have started something that might end with them getting hurt. I mean, I know Tom is actually a passionate guy if he feels a connection with someone, but he tend to sometimes well work like a bulldozer.. just going with his feelings, sweeping everyone else with him. "They are".

"So where is Tom going to sleep while he is here ?" She ask, her hand slowly caressing my thigh, sending warm chills through me.

I lean forward, kissing her just below her ear. "Well I was thinking that Tom could have the trailer and, maybe I could.. uhm bunk with you ?"

"Oh you think yourself very smart don't you ? Maybe you should just share the trailer with Tom". She say teasingly.

I grab her, tickling her. "Oh so you think I should stay here with Tom ? No no that won't work, you see Tom snores and his legs are to hairy for a snuggle".

She breaks down in giggles, snorting loudly, making Tom and Avery look over. Avery asking. "What are you doing to her Zac ?"

"He.. he was just explaining why he don't want to spoon Tom tonight". Zaina snorts with laughter again and I look at them with a shrug.

Tom makes a face. "Uhh honestly Zac, I don't really feel like spooning you either. You hug the blanket and you talk in your sleep".

"Did you two use to spoon or what ?" Avery says grinning, looking from Tom to me. Zaina is crying with laugther by now.

Tom chuckles and I roll my eyes. Then he answers. "Well we had to share a room for one night in Iceland shooting the second Thor movie because they made a mistake with the reservations. It was a huge king size bed so we thought well one night will be okay".

"Yeah and lets just say someone do not stay on his own side at night". I say making a face at the memory. Avery starts laughing, covering her mouth, and Zaina is literally shaking with laughter.

Tom looks rather offended. "Seriously I was sleeping, it's not my fault I am a heavy sleeper... And it was because you hugged the blanket... By the way I was not the one calling you.. what was it ?"

"In my sleep Tom.. in my sleep". I grumble. I can't help it if him snuggling into me apparently made me dream about someone else.

A wicked grin slide over Tom's face. "Oh I remember now.. sweet cheeks.. thats it. Well I know I got a cute butt .. but still.. yeah".

"Oh shut up Tom". I pick up a pillow and throw at his head, but he ducks.

Zaina turns to look up at me, she still has tears down his cheeks and she is trying not to laugh. "Zac if you ever call me sweet cheeks I am going to kick you in the balls so hard you don't want to have sex for a week".

"I promise you I won't". I say, kissing her nose. "So what do you say we start thinking about heading back to your place ?"

She nods, then looks over at Avery. "Do you want a lift Avery ? I think you had a bit more than you should for driving".

It isn't that any of us are drunk, but the girls had a bit more wine. Tom clears his throat. "I can drive her home. I mean from what I understand you are in the different direction so..".

"Yeah no need for you two to make a huge detour if Tom don't mind". Avery quickly say. I am trying hard to pretend that it isn't about them wanting some time alone.

Zaina gets up and start packing things away. "Okay then. I can pick you up tomorrow when I drive Zac home, then you can come get your car".

Love and other disasters (A Zac and Tom story)Where stories live. Discover now