Real life heroes

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I am sure the whole hut is going to collapse on me and possibly kill me, as I hear how it creaks and cracks. Dust falling on me from the ceiling. My chest hurt and I am quite sure I have broken at least one rib.

Feeling like screaming, hating to be stuck here, not knowing if my husband and my little son is okay, I suddenly hear voices I recognise. It's Jared and Jensen, so I call out. "Help, in here, I am stuck".

"Shit Evelyn. Are you okay hon ?" Jensen squats down beside me. He has a small scrape on his cheek, but is otherwise okay it seems.

"I think I got a broken rib, but otherwise I think I am fine. But watch out, I think the whole thing is about to come down". I tell him.

He looks at the ceiling, looking a bit concerned. "Jared, could you come give me a hand ? We need her out of here before this whole place collapses".

Jared shows up, and they start moving the bookcase, but the creaking tells us that everything is about to give in. "Get out guys, before it falls".

"No way...Jared, could you support that beam while I get her free ?" Jensen says and Jared just nods, pushing up against the beam over us, practically holding up the whole roof.

"Just a second hon, and we have you out of here". Jensen say, putting his whole weight behind it, as he moves the bookcase. "Damn this is heavy".

But luckily for me he manages to get it moved, and he gently lifts me up, carrying me out the door. "Better hurry up Jared".

And literally the moment Jared comes jumping out, the whole place collapses. Jared gets to his feet and Jensen gently puts me down. "Can you walk ?"

"Yeah is long as I do it slowly. Can we please go find my husband and son ?" I ask and they both nod. We makes our way through the devastation hoping everyone is okay.

Just as I get on the slide everything starts shaking, and having grown up in LA I instantly know it is an earthquake... I make a quick calculation and decide that I need to stop. So I put my hand and feet against the sides, using them as brakes.

Suddenly I see the track crumble in front of me. Shit !! I push with all I got, knowing that if I don't stop myself now, I will plummet to an almost certain dead.

I manage to stop, literally on the edge. Holding my breath as I look down. Luckily the water dries up, making it a lot easier for me to hold on. I start slowly backing up.

It takes me a couple of minutes, but then I hear Ian's voice from the platform. "Oh shit Zac, I thought we lost you there. Watch out the slide has detached from the platform".

"I am not so easy to get rid of". I say, turning to look at Ian and what I have to work with here. He is right, the slide has detached and there is a close to 6 foot gap between the slide and the platform. "Hmm this isn't going to be easy".

"You need to jump Zac. That piece of slide is not going to hold forever. I am going to do my best to catch you". Iam say, trying to smile reassuringly.

I slowly stand up. I mean normally 6 foot isn't a big jump for me. I got long legs. But here I have to jump from slick plastic that is not really secure. "Yeah okay. Move to the side okay ?"

Ian steps aside and I take a step back, getting as much power behind the jump as possible, launching myself towards the platform, feeling my foot slide just as I jump. And I know I can't make the perfect jump, landing on my feet as I hoped.

It hurts like hell as my chest slams into the platform and I desperately try to get hold, as not to slide of. Ian grabs my arms, pulling me up on the platform. "I got you Zac".

Love and other disasters (A Zac and Tom story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें