Dating advice from Dean Winchester

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I find Jensen and Jared at a table in the other end of the restaurant.. flopping down on an empty chair and asking the waitress to bring me a beer... Jensen looks up from his food, mouth full. "Oh how nice of you to join us".

"Stop being such a bitch Jay, and please don't speak with your mouth full, it's gross". Jared say, before sending me a smile, sweeping the hair out of his face. "So what was that about Zac.. did you know her ?"

  "No.. I.. well I heard some of the waitresses talk about how she was getting stood up and she looked so embarrassed and lost.. so I decided to step in and safe her from humiliation by pretending to be her late date". I shrug slightly.

Jensen grins. "Always up for saving the damsel in distress.. it has to be that disney prince thing that you can't let go".

"It is called being a gentleman, something you could learn a lot from". Jared says, then he ignores Jensen and turns toward me. "That was a nice thing to do Zac. And well she was rather stunning".

"Yup not a bad looking chick-a-de. So how grateful was she Levi ?" Jensen says grinning and I feel an urge to smack him over the head and call him an idiot.

Jared mumbles something about Jensen not having shed Dean completely yet. They have just come home from shooting the last season of supernatural like 3 days ago. But I can't help smiling. "Well grateful enough to say yes to a real date the day after tomorrow".

"Way to go Levi". Jensen says with that annoying lopsided smirk and offers me a high fife, which I a bit reluctantly accept. "So where are you going to take her ?"

I run a hand through my hair. "That is the age old question... Were to take her.. ? I mean I want to make an impression, but without it getting awkward and stiff.. So any good ideas guys ?"

"Well be yourself... Do what you would actually like to do if the two of you were already a couple. That way you'll see if you are on the same wavelength. If she hates it.. well then you two are probably not meant to be. If she loves it.. well ..". Jensen suggest.

Jared looks at him with an almost impressed look on his face. "Seriously Jensen, that has to be like the smartest, most profound thing I ever heard you say".

"I got my moments". Jensen looks almost proud of himself, but then he adds. "And don't forget to give her some of that smoulder, then you got her eating out of your palm".

Jared groans. "And now we know him again".

"Don't be to hard on him, it actually was a good advice... Well the first part anyway. Hmm what do I like to do with a woman.. No Jensen you are not saying that out loud in public.. I mean for a date". I send him a warning glare.

Jared is pulling his hair back in a ponytail. "Karaoke, dancing, music.. something light and fun, not to stuffy and uptight".

"Just don't go totally nerd on her Levi, might scare her off if the date is playing video games in your underwear, while watching sport". Jensen chirps in.

"Yeah I remember not to do that Jensen". I say rolling my eyes. Already a bit nervous what she is going to say.

I am standing in the kitchen the next morning, getting things ready, when one of the waitresses sticks her head through the door. "Avery is here to see you boss".

"Thanks". I quickly wash of my hands... My best girl friend Avery often come by in the morning having her breakfast here, before going to the hair salon where she works.

I walk into the restaurant, finding her at the breakfast counter with a cup of herbal tea in her hands. "Morning Avi".

"Morning Jala. So how was your date yesterday ?" She looks at me curiously...Avery is fun and bubbly and just a bit weird in the very best way.

I can't help smiling, thinking back to last night and to Zac. "It went perfectly...We talked about almost everything and we just have so much in common".

"Wait, wait.. what ? you and Michael talking ? Having a lot in common ? I thought you were going to break up with him". She puts down her cup.

I start giggling uncontrollably. "Oh sorry..Michael stood me up, that bastard. Waited for about 40 minutes but he didn't show".

"What ? But .. then who ?" She looks at me with big eyes and I blush slightly, biting my lip making her ask. "Jala.. who were you on a date with last night".

I start folding napkins. "Well I was sitting there, about to run out the door, feeling utterly humiliated by the waitress and the way the other guests were looking at me. And well, a real life prince charming showed up, pretending to be my date".

"Ooh that sounds intriguing.. tell me more about him... Is he handsome ? Are you going to see him again ?" Avery's food is placed in front of her, but she totally ignored it.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I see Zac for my inner eye. "Definitely handsome.. like ridiculously handsome. Tall, really well build.. I mean those biceps, oh lord. Dark hair, the most amazing hazel eyes.. that smile". I blink.. those eyes and that smile.. no it couldn't be. "Oh fuck".

"What ? Jala you look like you just saw a ghost.. what is it ?" She grabs my arm, stopping me from running away.. which is what I would really like to do right now.

I am shaking my head. I can't believe that I didn't recognised him before. Granted he had changed a lot, but still. "Shit.. you won't believe who I am going on a date with tomorrow. Honestly I just realised myself".

"Well I could guess and guess like forever, but I probably wouldn't get it right... But I am guessing someone famous by your reaction and it better not be Tom Hiddleston, because if that fine ass comes by here, it is mine". She says winking.

I giggle. "Don't worry.. but well he might be able to introduce you to Tom". I say with a shrug and now her eyebrows threatens to merge with her hair. I bite my finger. "I might have been on a date with the one and only Chuck Bartowski last night".

"Shit ! Your prince charming is Zachary Levi, well way to go girl, that man is soo hot". She says sighing. "But how could you not recognise him ?"

"Have you seen him lately ? I remember him as kind of gangly, cute, handsome in the nerdish way. But he is like a mountain of sexy muscles and well the beard makes him look different too". I say, biting my lip.

She smiles in a way that tells me she has a very vivid image of him in her mind. "Well you didn't hear he landed the title role in DC's latest movie ? He had to bulk up quite a bit.. not bad, not bad at all. I might be a bit envious here sweetie".

"Honestly I had no idea. I have been kind of busy with work. Can't even remember the last time I saw a movie". I tell her. But she was right, being a superhero is definitely a good look on him.

She pulls her plate closer and starts eating. "You my dear, needs to get out some more and now you have a hot man to take you. What do you think mommy dearest will say ?"

"She probably won't like him being an actor. But calm down, yeah he seems nice and we hit it of well, but it might not be more than those two dates. So let's cross that bridge when and if we get to it". I say. My mother is not the easiest to please.

Avery takes a mouthful of her eggs, chewing while she thinks. "Yeah you are right... She might also not like him being divorced.. but at least he is a christian, that ought to be to her liking".

"Oh mom so isn't going to like that, not at all. And if he is divorced he probably isn't a real christian in her eyes". I say...But luckily I am a grown up and my mother don't control me.

Love and other disasters (A Zac and Tom story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang