Chapter 17

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The next day, 11am
I took a deep breath, and looked at myself in the mirror.
Behind the makeup, I looked like a wreck.
Today was the day. The trial.
I ran my hands through my hair.
I didn't want to have an anxiety attack. That was the last thing I needed. To avoid it, I kept breathing in and out, slowly.

I walked over to my closet, and opened it.
I scanned my clothes, and landed on an A-line skirt. I grabbed it, along with my matching blazer, and put it on.
I pulled back my long hair into a perfect bun.
I stood at the length mirror on my bedroom door, staring at myself.
I looked professional enough to be in a courthouse.
On the outside I looked composed, but on the inside, my heart was beating out of my chest.
I closed my eyes as I took in another deep breath, and felt strong, protective hands slither around my waist. I smiled and turned around in Steven's arms, meeting his lips with mine.
After a moment, we pulled back, smirks on our faces, and I scanned his outfit.
He looked like he belonged in a jcpenny commercial.
"Wow, babe. You clean up nice."
Steven chuckled. "I don't like wearing these monkey suits. I prefer my jackets and leather pants."
I wrapped my arms around his neck. "But you're doing it for me, so that's what matters."
Steven leaned down and kissed my nose. "For you, and only you."
I smiled, kissing him again.
"What time is it?"
Steven glanced down at his cell phone.
The trial was at 12:30.
"We should leave now. It's a good, 30 minutes to the courthouse. And I can't be late."
Steven laughed, grabbing my hand. "Let's go. I wouldn't wanna mess with your sense of time." He replied playfully, with a hint of sarcasm.
I rolled my eyes, and flipped him off.
"I see you can still do that perfectly fine, despite your nervousness." He chuckled.
I kissed his nose, and we made our way to the car.


The sound of my heels clicking on the floor made the nervous feeling more prominent in my stomach.
Steven was gripping my hand as we walked down the hall of the courthouse, to where Detective Morales was waiting.
"Good afternoon, Lana." He said, shaking my hand, then Steven's.
"Mr. Tyler."
Morales looked at me. "Okay, we're going to be let inside the courtroom in about two minutes. How are you?"
I chuckled. "How do you think?! I'm nervous!"
The detective laughed. "That's to be expected. Just take a deep breath, and relax."
Inside my head, I rolled my eyes. I'd been doing that all morning, and it clearly hasn't been working.
"Now, Lana, when they bring your father in, don't freak out. Remain calm. He will try to get to you when you give your testimony, but don't let it faze you."
I smiled. "I think I'll be fine with that. I'm not easily fazed, as you can see, I'm still alive."
Morales laughed. "Cute, but don't be sarcastic with the judge. Be honest and genuine."
I took a deep breath. "Okay. Any last minute advice?"
He shook his head. " No, trust me, You'll be fine."

"I call Lana Rose Cooper to the stand."
Hearing my name, I walked up to the booth, and sat down slowly in the seat.
The bailiff spoke. "Please raise your right hand."
I obeyed.
"Do you swear on the Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"
I nodded. "I swear."
The bailiff motioned to the judge, and the prosecutor.
The prosecutor smiled at me. "So Ms. Cooper--"
"You can call me Lana."
"So, Ms. Cooper, I see here that the suspect is your biological father, is that correct?"
"And you knew nothing about him, up until about four weeks ago, am I right?"
I nodded.
"So, in detailed account, may you tell the jury and members of the courthouse, what happened to you?"
I took a deep breath. "I had just arrived home from a date with my boyfriend. I walked into my apartment complex, and unlocked my apartment door. And there sitting on my couch was my father, Martin Skye."
As I was speaking, I could feel my father's eyes boring into me.
"And then, Ms. Cooper, he proceeded to attack you?"
"No, not right then. First he told me the story of my mom and him, of what she did, putting him in a mental ward, and what he did in revenge."
"Ms. Cooper, what was it that he confessed to doing?"
"Martin confessed to murdering my mom and my stepdad."
I felt tears start to well up in my eyes.
"I read here that you were present for that event, when you were young? And you didn't know until that day Mr. Skye showed up, who had killed your parents, is that correct?"
"Yes sir."
"Okay, Ms. Cooper, then what happened after Mr. Skye told you that story?"
"He proceeded to knock me out cold. I awoke awhile later to find him pacing about my apartment, and I tried to escape. That was when he threatened to shoot me."
"But your father did end up shooting you, am I right?"
"Yes he did. In the ankle. Right after my boyfriend arrived."
"How then, Ms. Cooper, did you manage to escape?"
"I distracted him, and kicked him in self defense to the point where he was on the ground in pain. That was when my boyfriend and I ran into the bedroom, and called 911."
Steven smiled softly at me as we made quick eye contact, and I knew it was gonna be okay.
2 hours later
"The jury is now dismissed to deliberate." The judge spoke.
I turned in my seat on the bench next to the detective and spoke to Steven.
"How long do you think it's going to take?" I asked him.
He smiled, grabbed my hand, and caressed it with his thumb.
"I don't know. I'm sure we'll see."
I could feel Martin's eyes on my back.
"He's staring at me." I whispered to both Steven and Morales.
"Ignore it." They both said.
Steven kissed my forehead lightly, as we waited.
4 hours later

The doors opened, and the jury came walking out, solemn and silent.
'That was quick' I thought.
The head juror approached the judge, and handed him the verdict.
The judge cleared his throat.
"After a quick deliberation, they, the members of the jury, find the defendant, Martin Skye, guilty of attempted murder and murder in the first degree. His sentence will be 30 years to life. Dismissed."
My mouth dropped open, and my heart flooded with a mixture of relief and comfort.
I hugged Steven tight.
It was over.
A/N the story is definitely not over. Even though Lana's perils are. Haha

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