-F O R T Y - F I V E-

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"So, Andrew told me something this morning," She commented, checking her teeth for lipstick. "Is there something you wanna tell me, Kenzie?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I don't think so-"

"That's cute because it seems like you've failed to mention GRIFFIN'S YOUR BOYFRIEND!" She exploded, turning to face me. "That's kinda important!"

I shrugged, "Not really. The only real difference is sometimes we may kiss."

She threw her hands up in exasperation, "Mackenzie! This is your first boyfriend since Micah! Not to mention the fact that he's a year younger than me. This is a big deal!"

Before I could respond, the doorbell went off. I shot her a smile before rushing off to answer the door. If I stayed in that room any longer, she'd have my head. I wasn't in the mood for that kind of irony. I swung open the door, knowing it was Griffin. He looked nice in his costume. It was exactly how I imagined. Everything but the fact that he was wearing jeans instead of the trousers I suggested.

"Griff, I said trousers. Why are you wearing jeans?!"

He shrugged, "They weren't comfortable."

I sighed, shutting the door behind him. Not too long after, guests began arriving and the party was in full swing. Red cups filled the room. Almost none of them contained non-alcoholic beverages. Tanner was hanging out with a few of his friends, talking about their last season together. Lindsay, as always, was the center of attention. Andrew's arm was lazily slung over her shoulder, now wearing her hat. It was always nice to see the way he looked at her with so much adoration.

It was the exact same way my dad looked at my mom when she wasn't watching.

It was love.

I turned my head to see Griffin giving me the exact same look. At that moment, my heart could've exploded, and I wouldn't care. He smiled down at me, pulling me closer to his side. He planted a kiss on my temple before resting his head on mine. I felt like the world was perfectly calm. Everything was perfect.

Except the fact that your best friends are-

Nope! Not tonight! Maybe tomorrow morning, but not tonight.

She slipped back into silence, allowing me to enjoy my surroundings. If only for one night.

Unfortunately, that didn't last long. Taylor strolled over to Griffin and me with the biggest grin on her face. When she was right in front of me, she shifted her weight to her left side, sticking out her hip. She was dressed as a bunny this year.

At least, I think she was.

She was in a revealing white dress with bunny ears on her head. She was grinning at Griffin, not even acknowledging my presence. I could tell by her demeanor where this was headed. Even so, I wanted to see how it played out.

"Hey, Griffin," She greeted. "Long time no see."

"No long enough," He sighed. "How did you even get in here?"

She shrugged, "I have my ways. Anyways, I was wondering if you were open tomorrow night? I'm having a party at my place and I would love for you to be there."

He frowned, "There are so many things I would much rather do than go."

She reached over, running a finger down his chest, "Oh, I think you'd enjoy yourself. It'll serve as a nice change! Especially considering..."

I smacked her hand away, having seen enough, "Yep. I'm toeing the line. Hop somewhere else, Taylor. He's taken."

She frowned at me, "I don't think I was talking to you."

The Grim Reaper EffectUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum