Chapter 8

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(Defense against the dark arts)
Class List (not in alphabetical order)
Sam Winchester R
Dean Winchester G
Kat Rogers H
Steve Rogers G
Castiel Novak H
James Barnes S
Tony Stark R
Loki Laufeyson S
Sherlock Holmes R
Fergus MacLeod (Crowley) S
James Moriarty S
Sebastian Moran S
Jason Todd S
John Smith (Doctor (11th)) R
Amy Pond G
Rory Williams H
Irene Adler S
Oswald Cobblepot S
Dick Grayson H
Edward Nygma R

History of magic was of course as dull as I expected it to be. Who knew Magical History could actually be boring. I thought I left boring when I found out I had magic. Honestly, why?

Anyways, it was finally time for the most anticipated class of the day: Defense against the dark arts. Of course we have a new teacher since the last one was apparently... blown out of a window?

I don't know the whole story but I heard he was a good enough teacher. I wonder who our new one is...

"Hey Kat come on!" Steve called as he and some friends of mine headed to DADA.

"Yeah, coming." I said running up to them.

"Cool, let's get our seats." Dean said.

So far this is my favorite class, for the sole purpose that the majority of my friends were here.

And a lot of Slytherins.

It didn't really matter to me, my seat was next to this Ravenclaw who called himself the Doctor and Jason. Which was fine by me.

Behind me was Irene Adler, Stevie, and Bucky. In front of me was Edward Nygma, Dick Grayson, and Sebastian Moran.

"Hey Kat, how are you?" Jason asked turning around to face me.

"Good, classes are pretty cool, what was your last class?" I asked smiling.

"Charms." Sebastian cut in turning around to interrupt us.

"I doubt she was talking to you." Nygma said turning around.

"Shut up Brainiac." Moran said glaring at Ed.

"No, there's this other kid in fifth year named Brainiac, I'm Edward Nygma." Edward said seriously.

Stifling a laugh, I turned to the Ravenclaw next to me and introduced myself, it would be rude if I didn't.

"Hi, i'm Katherine. Everyone calls me Kat though."

"I'm the Doctor!" The kid I now knew as the Doctor proclaimed proudly as if that wasn't a weird name at all.

"Doctor who?" Jason asked.

"No, just the Doctor, it's my nickname." The Doctor said smiling from ear to ear.

"That's ridiculous that isn't a real name." Sebastian said interrupting our conversation.

"Is too." I countered like a five year old.

"Is not."

You can probably guess that our argument went on for a little while, until Sebastian finally caved in and said, "Fine, but who wears a stupid bowtie anymore?"

"Well apparently me." Doctor commented diffusing the tension quickly causing laughter to erupt from the majority of us.

"Well, I realized that I never introduced myself," Jason said to the Doctor. "I'm-"

"Welcome to Defense against the Dark Arts!" A voice called from the front of the class interrupting Jason.

"I'm Professor Bobby Singer and i'll be your new teacher for this year and i'm here to stay."

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