Chapter 6

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(Breakfast, Transfiguration, Charms summary, and Potions)
"Hey Cas, Greg! How'd you guys sleep?" I asked joining the two at the Hufflepuff table, I had stayed behind to talk to Molly more, she was a really nice person, maybe I could set her and Steve up...

"It was the best night of sleep I ever had. I just sank into the bed, how'd they make it so comfortable?" Cas said loading his plate with Eggo waffles. (Only stranger things fans get that :D )

"At least they have more modern food, I can't get a signal on my phone!" Greg said before tapping the screen quickly.

"I heard from older students that the Wifi moves around the castle, it's a magic thing I guess. You should probably find it on your own time though I don't want to be late." Molly said appearing out of nowhere and sitting next to me. "It's alright if I sit with you guys right?" She asked.

"Of course," I said making more room for her. "How'd you sleep? I belly flopped on the bed then was out like a light." I said piling too much bacon on my plate.

"Really well. The common room was beautiful this morning when the sun rose." Molly said spooning some eggs onto her plate. "It seemed alive... or maybe that was just Helga Hufflepuff's picture who snored really loudly and scared the living daylights out of me."

Laughing the four of started eating, with me occasionally sneaking some food to Bella.

"Good morning class, I am professor McGonagall, and I am your Transfiguration professor. Today we will begin by doing a simple quiz testing your knowledge on this subject so far." Professor McGonagall said to the whole class who started groaning.

As Professor McGonagall handed out the test, Steve made a face and slid his finger across his throat, joking that he'd fail. I mouthed, 'You'll do fine.' Before receiving the test.

Question 1: What is the simplest Transfiguration spell?
That's a good question. I don't know. You're supposed to teach us this! I ended up putting down Abra Cadabra.

Question 2: What is a person who turns into an animal by their own free will?
Easy, that one I know. An Animagus.

Question 3: Who wrote Transfiguration the past?
I don't know this!

Question 4: How do you turn into a werewolf?
You're bitten by one. Easy, bing bang boom. I'm going to fail this test.

The rest of the questions went somewhat like that. Some were easy, some were hard. All in all, there were ten questions. Professor McGonagall ended the class by saying, "Alright, we'll begin the real learning tomorrow, have a lovely day."

As soon as the class ended, I caught up to Steve, John, and Dean. "Hey guys! I gotta run, i'll see you in Defense Against the Dark Arts!" I said walking quickly away.

"Bye, see you then!" chorused down the hall.

Charms class went by faster than than Transfiguration, it was mostly introductions, and getting to know each other, I sat next to Sam, and a kid named Bruce Banner, Sam and I thought he was cool, but his friend Tony wouldn't stop hitting on Molly and I, and another Ravenclaw named Pepper Potts.
After Charms, Greg, Cas, Molly, and I walked down to the dungeons. We had Potions with the Slytherins. Professor Snape was already in the room when we got there. Other than that, it was just us four. Well, five, counting Snape.

"Please sit in your assigned seats." He said. His voice had a slight drawl, and he gestured to the stations.

By my count, there would be two people to a station. There were cards set up at each one, so when I finally found mine and students started to trickle in, I couldn't help but look at my partner Me, one and... Jim Moriarty two??

Mentally cursing, I snapped my head back to my side as I looked to see when he came in. Slytherin students were just now starting to come in, and I recognized a few of them. Dick Grayson, a Hufflepuff, was seated next to his brother Jason Todd. Loki and Molly were placed together, Bucky and Cas, lucky stiffs, and Peeta, another Hufflepuff, was stuck with Irene Adler. Another Hufflepuff named Clint was grouped with a Slytherin named Natasha. There were a few more groups, but it was obvious that it was Slytherin/Hufflepuff groups.

Finally, there was one group at the end of all the students. The ones Lestrade warned me about. And of course Jim and Seb were a part of it. Locking eyes with Lestrade he mouthed, 'Crowley' than made a face like he was being murdered.

Rolling my eyes, I glared at him until Jim arrived. "Hey," he said. "How's it going in your house." He asked spitting the word house out quickly.

"It's good. We've been good." I said waiting for Snape to enter the room, he'd left it before so he could enter the room with, quote on quote "style" (Lestrade said that not Snape).

"The first Quidditch game is this weekend. We're going against you guys." He said.

"So?" I asked ready for him to say something demeaning against my house. If he does, I'mma destroy him.

"We're going to win." He said plainly, as if it were obvious.

"Sure you are." I said sarcastically.By now, the two houses had started glaring at each other, and arguing about the upcoming Quidditch match. Well, except for the friends, they were just watching the rest of us crash and burn. Oops, I guess we were a little loud...

"What's a stupid Hufflepuff like you going to do about it?" He asked full on glaring at me.

"We're gonna huff and puff and blow your stupid house down." I said simply, then looking a Lestrade. Apparently I um... might've yelled that last bit because the whole class was stared at us. A few of the Hufflepuff students started shouting, "OOOOOOOHHHHHH." and a few of the Slytherins students joined in too. Most've them were staring at me either in shock or intense hatred.

Of course Snape choose then to walk into the classroom dramatically. Immediately the shouting stopped, and everyone sat down and shut up. "What is going on?" Snake asked gliding across the room. "Well?!" He shouted.

"U-um sir, the Slytherins were causing a ruckus and us Hufflepuffs were trying to calm them down." Cas said obviously throwing Slytherin under the bus. Chuckling under my breath I turned and saw Moriarty throw me the evil east glare I've ever seen. If looks were able to kill, I'd be six feet under by now.

"Fine. Fifteen points from Slytherin." Snape said causing the Slytherins to groan. "I expected more on your first day." Snape hissed, before finally beginning his lesson. Wow, we were already diving in weren't we? I was too busy paying attention to Snape to notice Jim and a few other students glaring at me, until towards the end of class, he slid me a note.

It read:
'I. O. U.' -JM

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