Chapter 5

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(Note of Kat's classes, times, and the other house they are with )
Breakfast---Anytime before your first class (all houses)
Transfiguration--- 7:30~~~ Gryffindor
Break---15 mins(all houses)
History of Magic---10:45~~~Ravenclaw
Defense Against the Dark Arts---11:45~~~(A/N a mix of main characters)
Lunch---40 mins(all houses)
Flying Lessons---2:25~~~(A/N a mix of main characters)

5:00 in the morning (Hufflepuff girl's dorm)

Yawning, I stretched my sore limbs, and slid out of bed careful not to wake the other girls. Slowly and quietly, I got out my briefcase modeled after Newt Scamander's very own case, and clicked open the lock. Before climbing in, I grabbed Bella, and the food I had previously snuck out the last night. Sure they had food down there, but they like treats, and I was hungry again. Thank god our dorm is near the kitchens.

I first started my descent into the case, by gripping the sides and lowering my feet in first, than dropping the one inch I was hovering over, before closing the case.

Luckily Hogwarts didn't check my bag as much as I had previously worried. Or else they'd find my little getaway. Alright, let me explain, I am not a poacher, I do a rescue and release sort of thing, unless the creature wants to stay here they are released. They aren't even big creatures, they're mostly commonly found creatures, like bowtruckles. Well, most of them...

Walking over to where my niffler is sleeping, I pulled out a few shiny coins, and laid them near her, letting her discover them when she was ready. Then left a pile of food near where her head was resting, before heading back to my shed. My case is nowhere near as big as Newt Scamander's, it only has four tiny biomes, one large ish fieldy biome, one medium woodland area, one small winter wonderland, and one left untouched. Alright, you can probably guess that I would've never been able to make such a case on my own, for god's sake i'm 11! Well, that's a funny story...


I remember when our parents adopted us, we were going to MACUSA because when Steve and I were taken to the orphanage, we started doing things... Weird things. Steve could beat up bullies, and he was growing physically stronger, his asthma even disappeared. Me on the other hand, I was drawn to animals, the more dangerous the better. One kid had a snake, and it would always escape its tank. And every time that happened, it always seemed to be near me. I also caused accidents. Minor things really... making stuff disappear, setting Cindy's hair on fire, making stuff grow really really quickly, you know normal stuff. Then two people can from some organization, asking about us. No one had ever done that. I can still remember Cindy and her sister Lorrie taunting us.

'Maybe they'll take the freaks anyway!' Cindy jeered.

'Yeah, it's not like anyone wants them here, they're freaks.' Lorrie chimed in spewing hurtful words. But we were pretty used to it. After the "Cindy Incident" we didn't make lots of friends. After all, who'd want to be friends with "freaks" like us?

In the end, the two people, one man and one woman, sat us down in a private room and talked to us.

'Hello, I'm agent Mc Alistar, and this is agent Trevors, do you know why we're here?' The lady asked leaning forward in her seat.

'Miss Clemmins finally found people to get rid of us...?' Steve asked fearfully. Miss Clemmins was a nasty old woman, who hated us more than the men who hated her cats. Which I was allergic too. Can you see our problem?

'No... well we found you. We've heard that you've been experiencing some strange accidents. Is that right?' We nodded and agent Trevors continued. 'Perfect! We leave today!' He declared mentioning to his partner. Who sighed and pulled him back into his chair.

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