Chapter 1

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Platform 9 and ¾ bustled with activity as families hurriedly said their goodbyes and tried to find an open compartment on the train, it was a beautiful sort of chaos though, everyone having somewhere to be and rushing to get there.

I looked around and tried to deduce the surrounding people, but couldn't since everyone was moving in and out of sight too fast to be seen. I was jostled out of my thoughts as my twin brother Steve called out to me.

"Kat! Kat wait for me!" He called trying to maneuver his cart through the dense crowd and catch up with me.

"Slow down, I'm falling behind you. Geez how can you move so fast?" He continued as I waited for him chuckling a little. It was a big benefit of being petite, while Stevie was a human tree.

"It's called being awesome Steve." I responded as we walked towards where we were supposed to put our luggage and owls.

Steve and I shared an owl, since they were obviously the most useful, and I'm allergic to cats so that wouldn't have worked. Our owl's name was Hunter and he's a beautiful Great Horned Owl who we just got in Diagon Alley.

"I don't see how your awesomeness levels affect your agility Kat." Steve said as we were unloading our carts.

"Keep using fancy words like that and you'll get into Ravenclaw Stevie." I joked, trying to ease the obvious nerves flowing through us.

"I'm ok with that, Ravenclaws are smarticle particles so I'm cool." He said as we returned our carts to their proper place.

Laughing, we stepped onto the train, and looking around for a compartment we could sit in. A lot of them were full, and we had almost given up when a scrawny blonde-haired kid followed by a tall kid with black curly hair and a bored expression that was glued on his face poked their head out of a compartment.

"Hey, you guys want to sit with us? We saw you walking back and forth around the train and you uh look a little lost." The blonde haired kid said. "I'm John, and this is my friend Sherlock, a little warning though he-"

"Katherine and Steven Rogers I presume. Twins, Steven was born 12 seconds before Katherine, and I can see that's a touchy subject with you. Anyways, you're orphans who are in foster care with a wizarding family- thank god or they would've flipped am I correct? I see Steven or Steve as he likes to be called is interested in becoming an auror, and wants to be in Gryffindor. Your sister on the other hand, Kat is more conflicted on what house she wants to be in, and wants to be a magiczoologist, like your hero Newt Scamander, interesting choice since he was expelled from Hogwarts, anyways, I can also tell that you are allergic to cats and have a bowtruckle in your robes. By the way, like John said, I'm Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes, now excuse me i'm going back to our compartment to read Hogwarts: A History for the billionth time." Sherlock said, then walked into a nearby compartment.

"I am so sorry he does that a lot." John finished as he walked us to the compartment where Sherlock was already reading a tattered old book.

"What- what was that? It was... amazing! How do you do that?" I asked sitting across from the duo.

"I used my eyes, most of it was obvious from your bag to the things poking out of it, i'd explain it you, but I'm busy doing something more interesting than explaining my deduct- did- did you say you thought it was amazing?" Sherlock asked lowering his book to look at me oddly.

"Well yeah, it's cool. How do people usually react to your... whatever?" Steve interjected sitting next to me.

This time John answered by saying, "Well, they usually say: Piss off or something like that."

"Hmmm you seem interesting. What do you think about murd-?" Sherlock asked before John interrupted him.

"No! No, Sherlock that's enough get back to reading your book, while I bring in some more people." John said, before standing up and leaving the compartment.

We saw him talk to three kids for awhile, before they walked in together. "Everyone, this is Sam, his brother Dean, and their friend Cas. Dean, Cas, Sam, this is Kat, Steve, and Sherlock."

We exchanged hellos and heys, before the train finally started to leave the station, and as I looked out the window, I could tell, that my life was finally about to begin.

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