Part 31: (Meeting the brothers)

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Isabella's POV:

Day 100. That's the celebration today, Michael and I are now married for 100 days. And I'm 3 weeks pregnant so you can now see my tummy getting bigger

Every night, Michael used to sing a song to me and to the baby. He said that it's good so that the baby can recognize his voice when the baby comes out

Sometimes, Michael needs some sleep because I crave foods every early morning. I remember yesterday, I was craving for a pizza at 2:30 am ....


It's now 2 am and I still can't sleep. I want some pizzas right now so I get up of bed and go downstairs to look for some pizzas

I was really disappointed when I saw that we don't have any pizzas anymore. This is so frustrating, I want to eat pizza right now

I can't do a thing so I just decided to go back in our room. I'm planning to wake Michael up to go outside and buy me some foods you know

But when I'm about to do it, I see his angelic face, having a deep sleep. I told myself not to do it because he just came from work

2:15 am and I'm still awake. I can't sleep, although Michael's hugging me but this is not enough. I really want to eat pizza!!! ughhhhh

I can hear the clock making the tik-tok sound.

2:20 am...


2:30! Okay okay okay! I made a decision

"Hey honey please wake up" I said

Michael didn't speak he just hugged me tighter

"Oh please please please.." I said

Then he slightly open his eyes

"What is it honey?" he asked

"I want pizza right now. Can you buy me some please?" I said

"But its too early. Where am I gonna find it?" he said

"Ohh.. I understand if you don't want me to buy some food. Just go back to sleep. Its okay for me and to our baby to get hungry" I said

"No, its not what I mean. I'm asking where I can find it? Don't be sad, don't be sad. I'll go now okay? Wait for me" he said

Yes! success in my part. At that moment, I was really thinking of my own pleasure. I know that he's tired of working all day long but I have no choice.

And after some minutes, we enjoyed the 2 boxes of pizzas. haha!

End of flashback...

But after that moment, when I woke up, Michael seems so different. He's acting weird to be honest

On this day too, I asked him all day what was wrong but he's not answering

This was Michael's attitude when he cheated on me. This kind of feeling was the same.

But don't tell me that they did it again or else I'll bury them under the ground alive

So at the end of the day, I opened his cellphone and I read some text messages.

I scrolled up and down. There was nothing wrong in here, I told myself but after some looking back, my attention was caught to the message thread with the unregistered number

And I read and read and read and read until.... Oh my G! His brother said that Joseph, Michael's father wants to see him and I

Its fine on my part but I remember the thing that happened 5 years ago. It was when his father called him a shame on their family

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