The Allfather

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By the time Loki arrived back at the house, the sun had risen and it was well into the morning.  In fact, on his way, he watched multiple warriors dash from their houses towards the training area.  Clearly, Odin had sent out a notification.  He could only hope Sif was still at home.

The dark haired god opened the door quietly, just in case Sif was still asleep.  She would need all the rest she could get these next few days...  The days before battle.  But, Sif was wide awake with her armor already on, packing away her blades and every other weapon she owned.  She looked fiercely beautiful.  It wouldn't be likely that she'd return home that often during training, the warrior would probably sleep in the camps.  She was, after all, the trainer.

"Good morning, Loki."  Sif said, looking up at him with a smile.  He grinned back at her, striding over to her spot to help her pack away her things.  It wouldn't do either of them any good to be in a bad mood.  

"Hello, Sif."  Loki said fondly, wrapping a blade and putting it into the bag.  He had watched her organize her weapons so often now, he memorized where each one went.  

"Where have you been?"  She asked curiously, yet not at all in a suspicious manner.  

"I went to visit my mother...  I believe I will be speaking with Odin today.  Making amends, I suppose."  The prince explained as Sif tucked away another murderous tool.

"Well then, I am proud of you.  Speaking with him might do you both some good in the end.."  Sif replied, blinking at him with a knowing look.  Odin was old, and he would definitely be a target during the war.  No doubt he would be guarded expertly, but they still hadn't a clue what they were up against.  Loki nodded as a response, the conversation seeming to fade away for a few minutes.

After they had finished packing away the things Sif would need, the talk began again.  "I'm afraid I will be in charge at the camps, so I probably won't be back by tonight.  And I'm sure you and Thor will have much to do preparation wise."  Sif spoke up, a sad smile presented on her lips.

Loki didn't allow the sad expression to stay on her lips for long, however, because he wiped it away with his own.  The kiss was soft and savored; and neither of them wanted to accept the fact that it would have to end.  Once they broke away, he held her close to him.  "I'll see you soon..  And I am sorry for all of this."  Loki said softly into her hair, Sif taking his chin in her hand and forcing him to look at her.

"You cannot blame yourself for this any longer, Loki.  The past is the past, and if we dwell in it, there is no moving forward.  A battle is coming, and you need to keep your head clear.  No more of this guilt."  She said somewhat sternly, her seriousness sinking in to Loki's mind.  It was comforting to know Sif accused him of nothing like the cause of the war, but it didn't exactly remove his guilt.

"I understand."  Loki said after a moment, wrapping his arms around her small frame.  "I love you, Sif."  He said, a small smile returning to his expression.

She pulled away with a playful grin.  "I know."  She said teasingly, Loki scoffing in response.  "I love you, too."  She replied with a laugh, grabbing the duffel bag of weapons.  "I'll see you soon, don't do anything stupid."  She chuckled, Loki rolling his eyes but smirking nonetheless.

And with that, the warrior left him.  And he let her go.


It'd been about an hour since Sif left, and all Loki had done was sit on his bed and think.  He knew he would have to speak to Odin soon, for there might not be much time to do it any later.  So, after dreading every possibility of every moment he was about to make himself endure, he got up.  He combed through his hair.  He put on his prince attire.  And, he left the house.  

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