Within Their Opposites

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Loki had shown the young warrior around his chambers, and had left her to make her self comfortable.  He knew she wouldn't do so with him around, so he had wandered off, exploring Asgard and planning his next move.

They had been childhood friends, if that's what it could be called.  His brother had always stolen the spotlight of all the Asgardians, including all the women that Fandral hadn't already gotten to.  Loki usually found himself watching.  Just viewing the lives of his peers as they grew up, creating stories filled with adventure within his imagination.  Having so much time to focus on others helped him keep a mental library filled with all of their records, including Sif.

She had grown up with Heimdall as her brother, yet neither of them knew of their parents.  They were children of Asgard, but they didn't seem to mind.  The two didn't remain close as they got older, finding different companions and different paths.  Heimdall wanted to watch over the universe as a Gatekeeper, his childhood dream, and avoid getting his hands dirty so often as a soldier.  

Sif was basically one of the boys.  She was treated as one growing up.  She fought better than most, and was quick with comebacks as she always won her arguments.  As they all grew older, boys began to notice Sif as a possible wife.  Even Thor, at one point, tried to date her.  But, Sif would have none of that and lashed out on anyone who attempted the task.  Not even a month after taking on the role of a woman and earning herself the title 'Lady Sif', she joined the army and easily climbed her way to the top.  Now, she ruled the Army of Asgard as their leader, quite an unusual task for a female.

Loki had a very different childhood.  He was not shy, but he was quiet.  His nose was usually buried deep in a book of spells, learning quickly.  As his friends became warriors, he became a Master of Magic and Illusions with a little help from Asgard's Queen, and his mother, Frigga.  With his combat training under his belt, along with his skills in magic, he became a respected warrior.  Just not a popular one.  The females didn't swoon over him, the men of Asgard didn't invite him to meet their daughters, he wasn't requested to join parties, none of that.  He was a Prince, but was always hidden in the shadow of his muscular and arrogant brother, Thor.

Nobody would have ever suspected Sif and Loki to even be friends.  Not a single person in Asgard considered themselves a good friend of Loki's, just a handful of acquaintances.  His brother was quite fond of him, but Loki usually resented the affection.  Deep down, he felt unworthy of it.  He had always found himself to be different, and he knew he was.  He just couldn't figure out why.

But, here Loki was, inviting Sif to his chambers and trusting her within his room alone.  Never would he have done it before, so why would he do it now?  He questioned this plenty of times throughout his walk and could only come to one conclusion.

He, Loki Laufeyson, the cold-hearted war criminal, was attracted to the most skilled warrior in all of Asgard.  Loki had fallen for Sif and he had to find a way to hide it.


Sif watched as Loki strolled out the door, shutting it tight behind him.  She waited there on the bed a few minutes, wanting to know that he had actually left.  As soon as her patience wore out, she began to curiously explore through his bedroom.

Books were sitting in tall piles along the walls, the bookshelves already filled.  She could tell that a lot of the hard covers were Spell-Books of some sort, and within the margins of many of them were hand written notes, scribbled wherever he could fit them.  She didn't bother reading many of them and continued her investigation.

Many Midgardian trinkets were scattered along the tops of furniture, but she hadn't a clue of what they did.  Unlike the two royal brothers, she had been to Earth once, and only on a mission to save Thor.  She picked one up gently from a shelf, squinting at it's features.

The Midgardians knew of it as a snow globe, but Sif had never even seen it before.  She watched as the fake snow floated down onto the miniature clay forest.  To the warrioress, it seemed to resemble a friendlier version of Jotunheim but in reality, it was a place in North America called Maine.  Loki had seen it the same way, and brought it home with him as a comfort object, though he would never tell a soul that.

For a minute, she stood there, just watching the particles cover the tiny forest.  Carefully, she put it back where it had been resting, another part of the room catching her attention.

After her exploration had come to a stop and didn't find anything that seemed too dangerous, she decided all she could do now was wait for Loki's return.  So, as any perfect warrior would, she took out all the weapons she owned and laid them out on the floor, beginning to clean them and sharpen the blades.

Yet, she found herself lost in her own thoughts.  She wondered why Loki bothered to bring her on his endeavors and what his plan was, she hadn't even asked yet.  As the commander of the Army of Asgard, she had a lot of duties she must fulfill, what could he possibly be up to that would be worthy enough of taking her away from those?

Then, there were her other thoughts.  Yes, he was a handsome young man.  He was very mysterious and could take care of himself, independent.  And Sif liked that in a man.  But, even as her brain kept finding all the good things about Loki and how he could be a wonderful suitor, logic said no.  He was dangerous, and unloyal to Asgard.  

She would never be with Loki, and she would make sure of it.


Here it is!  Hope you enjoyed it, I really like the mindset of both these characters, they are quite fun to write about.  If there are any typos, please let me know!  Comment and vote if you liked it, and let me know how it was on Instagram!  The username is @armyofasgard .  Have a wonderful day, Asgardians!  (wink)

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