Lies and War

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Nightmares.  All Loki could do after being shot by the sedative was have nightmares.  Awful, heart wrenching, brutal, gruesome nightmares.  Nightmares of Sif, of The Other, of Asgard...  Of Thanos.  When he finally came to, it was almost a relief.  Yet, when he did come to he realized he had just awoken into a more permanent nightmare.

"Are you going to behave this time?"  A voice cut through his thoughts, the prince's emerald eyes lifting to see Coulson sitting across from him- in the cage - with a guard to his side.  And of course, the guard was armed.

Loki said nothing, his cold stare enough to do the talking for him.  He clenched his jaw, glancing down at the cuffs that held him to his spot.  There was no way out of this situation, not if he kept screaming and yelling every time a chance opened up.  He had no other choice.

He nodded sharply, his eyes burning holes into the Agents that stood before him.  "Good.  Now, we'd like to ask you a few questions.  If you answer truthfully and nicely, this will be much easier for you."  Coulson finished, pacing in front of the trapped god.  "Are you in any way affiliated with the planned attacks on Earth?"  

"No, I have heard not a word of these plans."  Loki answered honestly, his throat raw from his previous yelling outburst.

"Your...  companions.  Are they?"  Coulson hesitated slightly, unsure of what to call the 'allies' that had came to the planet with Loki.  So far, they seemed to know nothing.  Then again, they hadn't yet heard the audio.

"Not to my knowledge."  The prince replied, watching Phil pace about.  It was rather annoying, really.

"Who's voice was on the recorder?"

"He calls himself The Other.  He is a... servant to Thanos, although he would prefer the term 'deputy'."  Loki explained, knowing the vile creature quite well.  After all, the being had left his body with scars.


"Thanos.  He's a warlord, and is very, very powerful.  He supplied me with the Chitauri to destroy your planet.  As you can see, that mission failed.  I swore an oath with him, and I must pay the debt I owe him.  He wanted the Tesseract and I failed to retrieve it for him...  I, along with those close to me I assume, will be forced to pay the debt."  Loki said, trying to keep his voice unwavering.  However, admitting this scared him.  Not that he would have to suffer, as he had already done so, but he knew that Thanos would find those he loved.  He would search for Sif until the end of the nine realms if it meant it would cause Loki pain.  And he would make sure they kept Loki on the edge of death just so he could see what happened to her...  The grief and torment that would plague him would in fact, make him long for something as sweet as pain.  Long for the torture he had previously endured.  And in that moment, he finally fully understood The Other's warning.

Again, the god found himself feeling light headed and on the verge of vomiting.

"Thanos wants to destroy Earth?"  Coulson asked, clearly oblivious to the life changing moment Loki was living through.

"He wants to get to me, of course.  The Other, the voice on the recorder, is just a messenger.  I am sure that is where he slipped.  Asgard will burn first, and I will be forced to watch.  Earth, however, will be next in line.  The reason behind that is simply vain.  He is a bloodthirsty being."  Loki answered, his tone quiet.  He felt utterly beaten, although he hadn't taken a hit in any way.  SHIELD needed to let him go, he needed to finish his oath once and for all.

"This future for us...  Do you think it is inevitable?"  Coulson finally asked, his pacing coming to an end.  He stood directly in front of the war criminal, his brown eyes searching Loki's for answers.  He wanted to prevent this attack just as much as Loki did, and Loki knew that.  Loki knew the look of a desperate man, and this was it.

"To prevent this, you'll have to take risks.  And those are risks that you would not favor."  Loki said after a short hesitation.  Already, a plan was forming in his mind.  He had to succeed in thwarting Thanos' war.

"Tell me."  Coulson snapped quickly back.

"Release my friends and I.  We will return to Asgard where I will make a battle plan.  Thanos will attack Asgard first, and if I can destroy him and his allies there, Earth won't have to worry about an apocalyptic event."  The prince said at an equal pace, his gaze not shaking.  He may not exactly like Earth or the things that lived on it, but he would do anything to stop Thanos from hurting Sif.  If he could stop Thanos in Asgard, he could prevent him from getting to her and in turn stop the war on Earth.  "I did not say you'd like this idea, yet it is the only one we currently have.  That is, unless you and your dull Agents could think of another one."  Loki finished, lifting his chin in a dominant manner.

Phil grimaced, biting his lip as he contemplated the plan.  After a few minutes of silence, Loki couldn't help but butt in.  "You do realize that Thanos could begin his attack at any moment, correct?  I suggest you make up your mind rather quickly."

That seemed to make up Coulson's mind who nodded, nodding to the Agent to his side who then unchained Loki with only a little hesitation.  He was a murderer, after all.

A wicked grin creeped onto Loki's lips as he rubbed his raw wrists and stood to his full height, towering over the two men at his side.  He would have felt much more powerful in his Asgardian attire, but his dominant aura served as enough intimidation on it's own.  "Shall we, gentlemen?"  Loki asked in his familiar, cocky tone.

Coulson held back the urge to roll his eyes as he lead the war criminal down the halls of SHIELD's headquarters, the trio receiving plenty of alarmed stares and whispers.  Loki smirked at them all, slightly enjoying their reactions.  He was about to walk into one of the most deadly situations of his existence, so why not have a bit of fun?

Yet, the mischievous glint in his green eyes ended abruptly as they entered the next hall; the cell block halls.  Right away, his eyes landed on Sif who was also chained in a cage not unlike his own.  "Sif," he breathed, picking up his pace until he was to the edge of the glass.  He tapped urgently on the glass, catching Sif's attention as she had been staring at the floor with a bored expression.

Coulson watched from a few paces away as the two Asgardian's expressions brightened, Loki taking on a much more humane and caring look.  Phil, along with the Agent at his side, hadn't thought it was at all possible.  Yet, here it was in front of them.  Lies had fallen in love with War.


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My Great Grandmother passed away this morning, and I think I'll be using updates as a bit of a distraction if you don't mind.  So I'll either be updating a lot, or barely at all.

Talk to y'all later!

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