Chapter 19: Some Tears Sting More Than Others

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Princess Madison opened her eyes, and saw Queen Alicia staring back down at her. "Madison, I'll help you get back to them, don't worry. Here, take my hand, and we'll head to the gateway." Madison grabbed Alicia's hand, and they started to walk towards the gateway.


"No! I have to see her again! Let me go!" Winston struggled against Prince Branton's grip, shoving him through the portal, into the forest.

"Winston! Listen to me!" Branton shouted over Winston's struggling. He stopped trying to escape, and relaxed just a little.

"I know, I miss Madison too. But it's alright. She's in a better place. Who knows? Maybe you can visit Wonderland still." Branton tried to sound calm, but there was an edge to his voice.

"She's really gone?" Winston's voice came out in a whisper. He held back tears as best he could, but a few slid down his cheek.

"There's no way she could have survived, I'm sorry." Branton put a hand a Winston's shoulder, but Winston turned around, shaking the prince off.

Winston sat down in front of a tree, pounding on the bark, starting to sob. "Why? Why! She was so young! I-" Winston started sobbing even harder. "I never got to tell her I loved her!" Winston kept crying.

"Then why don't you tell me now?" Came a voice from the gateway tree. Winston turned around, and saw Madison, standing beside Queen Alicia of Wonderland.

Winston's eyes widened, and he sighed. Madison smiled at him, and he smiled back.

Winston ran up to Madison, picking her up in his arms, and kissing her.

Winston pulled away from their kiss, still holding on to Madison. "How did you survive?" He asked.

"I crawled in just before the wall around Vermeer's palace solidified itself. I fainted for a moment, then Queen Alicia helped me through the gateway." Madison answered, sounding out of breath. She was in so much pain.

"I was happy to help. Well, I best be going. Good bye!" Queen Alicia disappeared, leaving King Hales, Prince Branton, Princess Daisy and Madison, and Lord Winston standing in the forest.

Madison took in a sharp breath. She reached over and grabbed her ankle. The pain had began to worsen.

Seeing her pain, Winston handed her to Branton, then jumped up on his horse.

"I can take Madison back to the castle and find a doctor. The rest of you can follow at a slower speed." Winston said, taking hold of Madison again.

Once everyone had agreed on Winston's plan, he had his horse in a full gallop.

"I'll get you home safely, Madison. Don't you worry," Winston said, leaning down to whisper to Madison, sitting on his lap.

"I love you," he added.

"I love you, too." Came Madison's voice. She opened her eyes and smiled at Winston. He smiled back, the happiest Winston has ever felt in his seventeen years of life.

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