Chapter 7: Anger of a King

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"Show me Princess Madison," King Vermeer whispered to his magical globe. The picture started to form Princess Madison and Lord Winston dancing, but it fuzzed and the glass went black. Wonderland's magic was protecting them from the King Vermeer, but not enough.

"Who does she think she is!?" He shouted, the sound echoing through the ballroom, where he sat upon his throne.

"She thinks she can just go to Wonderland with some fool, and tell him about ME?" The king continued to shout. His two sons came in, hearing their father's shouting.

"What is the matter, Father?" Prince Bates asked, bowing towards the tall, dark throne sitting on the dias.

"Boys, come." The evil princes came. "What if I told you," King Vermeer said. "If you could marry Princess Madison, or Princess Daisy?" King Vermeer figured that if he married the princesses to his sons, they really couldn't escape from his kingdom. The princes exchanged looks. "Are you saying, Father, that I could marry Princess Daisy? I could have sworn she was already married." Said Prince Bates.

"She is," King Vermeer snarled. "But, she doesn't have to be married to that stupid Prince Branton here in our realm." He stood from his throne, and gestured toward each side of the wall. "I could use my magic to make her marriage vows not exist here. That means, Daisy's wedding ring would not be on her finger, easily allowing you to marry her, Bates."

"I could marry Princess Madison?" Salem cut in. "I could, correct Father? You are allowing us to take the princesses to marry? Where would we all get married? Here in the castle? Or in a chapel?"

"You do always ask and think of so many questions, don't you, Salem?" King Vermeer put a hand on his son's pale arm.

"But, yes. We would have you married here, in the palace. Is that alright with both of you?" Said King Vermeer, walking towards the ballroom doors.

"Oh yes, Father!" Both Bates and Salem said at the same time. "Thank you, Father!"

"Now, sons, come over here and let me explain my plan to the both of you," The two princes came to stand over by the doors.

"When Princess Madison and Daisy come to dance tomorrow night, we shall close the gates, and surround it with magic no one can break. Not even me.

"And, once the princesses realize there is no escaping, we address what we have just discussed.

"Then, I shall have one of my courtiers marry the princesses to you two days after they first stayed here. It might be too much to be kidnapped and married in one night, hmm?" The king cackled. "Now, you two run off to bed, and think of what you would like to have at your weddings. I'll give you anything, my dear sons!"

"Yes, thank you Father!" Bates and Salem said in unison, then ran off to their bedrooms.

"I'll show those two princesses that they don't trick the King Vermeer! I might even kill that one man that traveled to Wonderland with Madison. Yes, I will. Punish him in front of her, then give him a very slow, and painful death!" King Vermeer cackled.

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