Chapter 6: Wonderland

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Once Princess Madison and Lord Winston had both pricked their finger on the needle, and the cup had two drops of blood in it, the spell was ready.

"Alright," Daisy said, "One of you needs to sit in a chair, and try to fall asleep, the other sit in the bed."

"I'll sit on the stool," Lord Winston answered, taking a seat on the chair. "Princess Madison can have the bed."

"Thank you, Winston," Madison said, laying down on the bed.

"Let's get this spell started!" Daisy had mixed the ingredients in a large bowl, she raised her wand, and began the spell.

"Combine these two souls, let Wonderland come normally and regularly to them! Create dreams of happiness, and joy! Wonderland, a get-away for troubled and willing souls! Wonderland, a place of peace and harmony, Wonderland, where Princess Madison Lynn of Janastion, and Lord Winston of McGrandal of the south can meet forever!"

Princess Madison felt herself fall asleep, and so did Lord Winston.

When Lord Winston opened his eyes, he was in quite the different place. He found himself surrounded by trees with pink bark and purple leaves shaped in hearts. Winston also noticed something different that rather startled him. He was in different clothing! Winston wore a black suit, with a red bow tie, and a tall red hat. He looked down at his feet. What he saw were red shoes. "What an interesting place," Winston said aloud.

He walked a little further, and found himself in a clearing. The clearing was filled with a pink marble dance floor, with purple and white striped chairs surrounding the floor. Winston saw many groups of men and women dancing on the pink marble.

He kept walking and found himself at a refreshment table. There were ladyfingers and cups of punch, lots of creampuffs and macarons, and some napkins embroidered with red and yellow roses.

"Welcome to Wonderland, Winston," came a sweet, yet calming voice. Winston turned around. Standing before him was Princess Madison. She was dressed in a baby blue dress, that ended a little below her knees. She also wore white tights, and black dancing shoes. Her blonde hair was pulled in a tight bun, tied off in a baby blue colored bow. There was also a white apron fingered with lace, tied around her waist.

"You look very beautiful, princess," Winston bowed to her.

"Thank you, Lord Winston. You look very handsome," she curtsied to him.

"Princess Madison," Winston continued. "You said that, well, a troubled soul and a willing soul traveled to Wonderland. I'm perfectly fine and happy. Are you the, the- er- troubled soul?"

"Winston, come with me," Madison took his hand, and led him to two open chairs. She explained to him about the King Vermeer, about how her mother, Queen Jonquil, was tricked by him. She also told him about she and Daisy's entrapment, and the evil doings and dancing they had to present Vermeer with.

"I need you to tell Prince Branton about King Vermeer. Tell him that we traveled to Wonderland together, and that he needs to help you with a spell to trap the king in his land forever." Madison looked at him very expectantly. "Winston, Princess Daisy and I are counting on you."

"Princess, do you have a spell that will trap King Vermeer in his prison? I don't know anything about magic." Winston asked.

"That's why we came here to Wonderland, besides me explaining everything," Madison murmured the last little bit.

"We can travel to Wonderland forever and ever now that Daisy has performed the spell. You can defeat Vermeer with Wonderland." She concluded.

"Madison, you're expecting too much from me. I am very honored to travel to Wonderland with you but, I don't know!" Winston sighed, and put a hand on his forehead. "I can't do this. You and Daisy think I can, but honestly, I can't do what you ask me!" Winston figured that Princess Madison would be mad at him, but what she said surprised him. "I know it's all too much, and too hard for you to understand, but...... I'll be there for you the whole time! I may not be able to tell you about how specifically to defeat King Vermeer, but I can help you to make the spells. Don't worry, Winston. Daisy and I will help you. I promise," she smiled a little, pained smile.

Winston looked down in his lap. "But, what if he finds out?" he whispered.

"He won't. And, in any case that he does, I'll protect you, Winston." Then Madison leaned to the opposite side of Winston, and whispered, "Because I love you." Did Winston feel the same about her? Did he love her? Or was he just doing this because of how nice he seemed?

"How about we leave this somber mood, and dance?" Princess Madison jumped up, and held her hand out for Winston to take. He took her hand, and they walked to the pink marble dance floor.

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