Chapter 11: Advice from a Queen

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Lord Winston was dressed in his same black suit, red bow tie, same tall red hat, and red shoes. He was also in the same spot he arrived in, in the first visit.

He walked a little further, and found the pink marble dance floor. There were still lots of people dancing. "Lots of troubled souls. How sad," Winston thought.

He walked towards the chairs, and found a young lady just a little older than he was. She was dressed in a bright yellow dress cut just a little under her knees.

"Excuse me, miss," Winston said, casually. "I have a question for you, if you aren't busy."

"Yes, I can most likely help you. What's the question?" She has a very soft, but sweet voice.

"My- er, lover, a princess, has been kidnapped." The woman's expression showed a bit of shock. "Her father, the king of Janastion, has asked me to speak to Queen Alicia. Where can I find her?"

"Oh, oh my," she answered. The young lady stood up, and grabbed Winston's hand. "Let me take you to her right away." She lead Winston a little deeper into the pink tree forest, and they found a cream colored stone palace. The young lady knocked on the door, then turned and asked Winston, "Do you know who your princess was kidnapped by?"

Winston replied, "We believe it was King Vermeer." Winston felt weird saying this to someone he had just met not five minutes ago, but still felt comforted because the lady seemed very nice.

Her expression was a mix of surprise, and fear. "Well, you've come to the right place, my good man." Just then, the palace door opened to a small guard, wearing a red suit, and shiny black shoes. "He needs to see Queen Alicia immediately," then the young lady added, "It's about Vermeer." The guard seemed to understand, then nodded at Winston.

The young lady Winston had met, had gone back to the dance floor, and left Winston at the palace.

The palace guard led him to a meeting room, and knocked quietly on the door. "Queen Alicia? I have someone here to see you."

The door opened. There before Winston stood a tall women, roughly 34 years old, dressed in a black and white striped dress cut just below her knees. She also wore red shoes. Her brown hair was pulled in a bun, and her also brown eyes gazed up at Winston. He was a bit taller than her.

The guard shoved Winston into the room with Queen Alicia. "Well, come and make yourself at home." The queen walked over to a large brown wood desk, with two purple chairs facing each other.

Queen Alicia took a seat at one of the purple chairs, and folded her hands neatly on the table. Winston was about to bow to her when, "Please, there's no time for bowing. What do you need to ask me?"

Suddenly feeling embarrassed, Winston took a seat in the other purple chair.

"You see, your grace, Princess Madison, of Janastion, was kidnapped. I fell in love with her, and we traveled to Wonderland together. Her mother, Queen Jonquil, had made a deal with the King Vermeer. She would do his evil works above, in the sun lit world.

"She and her sister, Daisy, are now doing Vermeer's evil work. But, I'm afraid that he has kidnapped them, maybe even to marry his sons off to them. I need to help her, and I'm afraid it's too late." Winston looked down at his hands. Would the queen be able to help him? And how?

"Oh yes, I know, Winston." Queen Alicia looked him in the eye. "I know all about King Vermeer. And I know that you and Madison have only traveled here once. But, don't worry, she's in good health."

"How do you know my name?" Winston asked, suspiciously. He had never told the queen his name.

"I know everyone's names who have traveled here to Wonderland." Then, Queen Alicia pulled a purple teapot, and two purple tea cups out of one of the desk drawers.

"Let's have some tea, and I'll explain everything." She poured tea into the two cups, and then handed one to Winston.

"Quite some time ago," Queen Alicia began. "I met King Vermeer. Of course, at that time he was only a prince and I only a princess.

"I was being courted with Vermeer when I was just 17 years old. I fell in love with him, and married him a year after we had met.

"When Vermeer had started taking up magic, I didn't know quite what to think really," Alicia chuckled. "But, he created such beautiful things with it, and I started learning magic too. It was good magic, at the time, don't worry. I'm not some evil sorceress.

"When I was 20 years old, I gave birth to my first son, later naming him Bates. Vermeer and I were so happy to have this baby, and when I was 22 years old, I had another son named Salem.

"By the time Bates was 14 and Salem 12, Vermeer had started to change. He was now learning evil magic, and was spending more time away from our house in Janastion. Little did I know he was building a kingdom between death and life.

"I was 33 years old when I realized that Vermeer was not a good man to be around, so I decided one day to take Bates and Salem to a different country, start off fresh.

"But, one day, Vermeer started teaching our sons evil magic, and they actually enjoyed it. I tried my hardest to stop him from influencing them too much, but I was already too late.

"I found out that Vermeer had promised his sons a magical place where they could rest, and have fun. That was just a plain lie.

"Vermeer took Bates and Salem one night to the kingdom he had been building. I tried my hardest to get my boys back but, alas, I couldn't find the gateway to the Palace Vermeer. He had hidden it too well.

"So, I decided that I would create my own kingdom. I created Wonderland using my good magic. I made it so that troubled and willing souls would be able to travel in their sleep, to find help.

"I didn't want anyone else to have to go through the pain and suffering I did. I wanted people to be able to tell ones they loved about their troubles, and the problems could be solved.

"It seems crazy that I was once Vermeer's lover but, it's true. That's why King Hales sent you to me. Also, I don't age in Wonderland, if you were wondering why I'm so young." She finished, taking a long sip of tea.

"How do I help Madison and Daisy to escape from him?" Winston needed help. He really wasn't good at understanding or solving magical problems.

"You bring Wonderland to Vermeer," Queen Alicia said, putting her teacup down on the desk, then opened a small desk drawer, and rummaged in it until she gave a satisfied smile to Winston. "Use this," she handed him two small cloth packets. They glowed blue, pink, yellow, and purple in a pattern.

"All you have to do is throw one on the ground, and it explodes, creating a world just like Wonderland. I suppose a mimic of Wonderland, really.

"But, give one to Madison when you find her. It will only work if she is with you. I repeat, only if she is with you." Queen Alicia said, arching one eyebrow at Winston.

"I understand, Queen Alicia. Thank you so much." Winston took the bags.

"You do use magic, correct?" She asked.

"Yes, Madison taught me yesterday. Don't worry, I'm quite good with it." Winston winked at the queen.

"Just one more thing, Winston. Before you get to boastful," Queen Alicia said, standing up, walking toward the door. Winston felt his face feel hot and red at the comment. "The gateway is a tree in the Janastion forest. Take Branton with you. You will have a feeling about which tree it is, I promise." She said.

"Thank you, Queen Alicia. I will do just that." Winston replied, his blush still bright red.

"Goodbye, Lord Winston." Queen Alicia said, and then Winston woke up, in his bed, the glowing cloth packets clenched in his fist.

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