Chapter Thirteen

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Sitting on my Harley outside of my open workplace, I stared in to see that Tommy and Jason were rather busy and I could tell they hated that I got to sit outside doing nothing. Did I feel bad? Yeah, a little bit. But I was on my day off and I was waiting for Gilby's arrival. So far, Gilby was running fifteen minutes late, I wasn't too worried at this point, but I knew after about forty-five minutes he wasn't going to show up. For now, it was a waiting game. Hearing the rumble of a Harley in the distance, I turned my head hoping that it was Gilby. But to my surprise, it wasn't. It was actually Duff and he had pulled in beside me, a pleased smile playing on his lips.

"Hey Shell." Duff switches off his motor and takes off his helmet, his golden eyes swept over my Harley and his smile grew in size. "Still looks just as good as I remember." He compliments.

"Hey Duff." I blushed. "Thanks." I gazed down at my bike before looking down at his.

One thing I could say, his Harley was still just as gorgeous as I remember. He sure made sure to take care of it, much better than the corvette, it even sounded like it was running well.

"So whatcha doin?" He looked ahead to the workshop. "You aren't working today, are you?"

"No." I shook my head. "I'm actually waiting for someone."

Duff didn't appear to look surprised, which had me wondering why. It almost seemed like he knew I was waiting for someone. "Gilby, huh?" He cocked an eyebrow.

I gently nodded, to watch his expression falter. But that soon disappeared and he flashed me a smile. "How about I keep you company until he shows up?" He offered with a sweet smile.

"Uh." I stutter, not really sure whether that was a good idea. "Alright." I finally agreed, still debating whether it would be a good idea. I mean, I was waiting to go on a date with Gilby and here was Duff, my ex fiancé (who I was still head over heels for) right beside me. Surely, it couldn't end well.

"So what's the plan today?" Asked Duff.

I immediately shook my head. "I think we were just going for a ride." I answer.

"Oh yeah." Shrugged Duff. "Y'know I talked to him yesterday about what happened." Duff attempted to start a conversation. "He helped me put the pieces together over what happened and Shell, I'm real sorry." Duff reached out and rested his hand over the top of mine which sat against the fuel tank.

"I know you are sorry." I nodded.

"You know that I would never intentionally hurt you. I never got over the last time I laid a hand on you." He looked down at his Harley. "It still fucking haunts me."

I didn't really know what to say, I knew he was sorry and that he didn't mean it. So the best I could keep coming up with was 'it's okay'.

"Can we not talk about it?" I asked with a frown. "The more you go on about it, I will start to get annoyed about it. So just leave it." I explain.

"Okay." Duff quickly replies. "So have you and Gilby had sex yet?" Was the next question that came out of his mouth.

My face grew bright red and I snapped my head into his direction. "I don't really think that's any of your business, Duff." I state.

"Maybe not, but it's just a question." Duff frowned. "You used to be my girl, I just want to know if he's hit the home run with you yet." Duff didn't appear to have any problems in asking it, but I wasn't sure if I was comfortable answering, even if Gilby and I hadn't done it yet.

"Duff, I don't feel comfortable answering that." I shook my head.

"So you have fucked him." Duff claimed. "Fuck Shell, we had something real and you made me wait months but with him, he can jump right in like it's fucking nothing." Duff looked quite offended.

Since I Don't Have You (Guns N' Roses - Duff McKagan)Where stories live. Discover now