Chapter Seven

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Waking up in a different bed and a different room, I gazed around to try and distinguish where I was. For the first few seconds, I had no clue where I was and how I got there, but when my memory jogged back on what happened last night, I knew exactly where I was. I was in my old home away from home, the house I lived in with the whole band. I couldn't tell what room I was in though, I didn't even remember coming to bed. What I did remember was watching a movie with Axl and Slash and that was it. We had been watching Batman Returns and I didn't remember watching the ending, so I must have fallen asleep by that time.

Crawling out of bed, I slowly trudged into the bathroom to go to the toilet. While I was there and spotted the clean towel and hygiene products, I decided I would have a quick shower. I had a spare change of clothes for today, which Slash had chosen out for me. It was a blue short denim skirt and a Rose Tattoo shirt, I was even lucky enough that he got me some undies and a bra, both of which were lacy and black, but instead of normal undies, he had chosen a g-string. Now, I figured he had a chuckle when picking that out. I didn't mind, of course, but I did kind of roll my eyes. When I was all refreshed and dressed, I wandered down the hall to see that I had come out of Duff's old room, which had me surprised. But at this stage, I didn't even want to think about Duff. After all, I was just a fucking mistake.

Shoving the thought of Duff as far away as I could in my mind, I continued down the stairs in search of Axl and Slash. Turned out, neither of them were in the house, they were both outside by the pool. But with them was two other men, one I recognised just by looking at him and the other I hadn't ever seen before.

"Morning." I flashed the men all a smile as I walked out.

Slash was sitting in the sun with his legs dangling in the pool, he had his hair pulled back in a ponytail and sunglasses shielding his eyes. Axl was relaxing in the pool with Dizzy Reed close by. I see they were still connected by the hip. The other man though, he was over by Slash, but actually in the pool.

"Shelia? Dude, you never said she was back." Dizzy smacked Axl's bicep.

"Hey Dizzy, it's good to see you again." I greeted him with a friendly tone.

"You too, Shelia. It's been years." Dizzy simply nodded. Yeah, still didn't see a point of him being a band member, he never would be a member in my head. But I couldn't say that out loud.

"Morning beautiful." Slash lifted his sunglasses and admired my appearance.

"What? You checking out the clothes you chose for me?" I blushed, talking directly to Slash.

"The clothes and you." Slash flirts, which earned him getting splashed by Axl.

"Shelia?" The foreign man questioned, it sounded like he was testing the way my name sounded rolling off of his tongue. "You must be the one who Duff was stupid enough to let slip away?" He questions.

This time I focused on the man. He was completely saturated in the pool and had long dark brown hair, which looked to be black and was pushed back out of his face. He had some stubble that was growing on his face and the biggest beautiful blue eyes I had seen on a guy. He was drop dead gorgeous.

"Gilby, not cool." Axl shook his head.

"What the fuck did I do?" Gilby narrowed his big blue eyes on Axl.

"Axl, it's alright." I murmured. "So Gilby, got a last name?" I asked in quite a smooth sounding tone.

The man named Gilby nodded his head and smirked. "Clarke, Gilby Clarke." Gilby returns, instead of continuing to stand there in the pool, he quickly hopped out and headed towards me dripping wet.

"Well Clarke, Gilby Clarke, I'm Dawson, Shelia Dawson." I return in the same tone, which caused the handsome man to laugh as he held out his wet hand for me to shake.

Since I Don't Have You (Guns N' Roses - Duff McKagan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें