Chapter Eight

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Sitting on my bike outside of my workplace, I held a cigarette firmly against my lips as I lit it up with a lighter I had handy. Today had been a pretty stressful day, so I was tired and quite anxious. So therefore, I got a couple of cigarettes from Jason and was smoking them just before I got to go home. I wasn't a fan of smoking, at all. I wouldn't even go out and buy my own cigarettes, because that was just me. But occasionally I liked to have a cigarette, just because it managed to calm my nerves.

"Shelia?" A voice called out to me.

Looking around abruptly to see the attractive replacement guitarist of Izzy approach me with a smile.

"Hey Gilby." I offered him a smile. "How are you?"

"Better now that I get to look at your beautiful face." He smirked. "How are you?" His blue eyes darted to the cigarette that I brought back up to my mouth to inhale.

"Pretty stressed. But you know, I'm better now." I gestured to the cigarette and to Gilby.

"That's no good darlin'." He pouted. "Well maybe I could help relieve that stress?" He suggests.

"How so?" I perked up, this time I decided to offer him my cigarette, which he took gladly.

"Whatcha say if," Gilby paused, inhaling the smoke and blowing it out with ease. "We go out for dinner?" He asked sweetly.

I was a little surprised on him offering to take me out to dinner, so for a couple of seconds I didn't answer. "A date?" I asked, just trying to clarify what he meant by going out.

"It doesn't have to be a date, but I'd like it to be if you would?" He took another puff of my cigarette before handing it back.

I couldn't hold back the smile, he really was sweet. "Why not? Let's call it a date." I agreed with a slight blush.

Gilby's smile turned toothy and his blue eyes lit up beautifully. "Great. I'll pick you up at 7?"

"Sounds like a plan." I dropped the cigarette down and stomped my boot on it.

"Awesome, I'll see you later darlin'." Gilby winked before he strutted off, leaving me sitting there with a smile.

Getting off of my bike, I picked up the cigarette and carried it over to the bin nearby. I couldn't stand the look of cigarettes littered everywhere, so whenever I smoked, it was going in the bin.

"Hey Shell!" Another man's voice calls out my name. Ghee I was popular this afternoon.

Looking over my shoulder to see Izzy coming right towards me, I smiled. It had been a while since I saw him, Alison and the kids, so it was great seeing him again.

"Hey Izz!" I exclaimed as he ripped me in for a hug.

"So you and Gilby, what's that all about?" Was what Izzy asked as soon as he released me from his bear hug.

"Gilby asked me out." I answer in complete honesty. "We are going out tonight for dinner." I really couldn't stop smiling.

"Good for you, Shell." Izzy returned the smile. "So since you couldn't get the original rhythm guitarist, you go for the next best thing?" He cocked an eyebrow, trying to shit stir me.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm. "You're just jealous that I'm going out with your replacement and not you." I returned the stirring.

"You're right Shell, it really fucking stings me." He jokingly grabbed at the centre of his chest. "But seriously Shell, good for you. I'm proud you're doing something you wanna do." He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.

Since I Don't Have You (Guns N' Roses - Duff McKagan)Where stories live. Discover now