Chapter 1

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Nikki's POV
         Sometimes I wonder if Mackenzie is BRAIN DEAD. Then there are day when I know she is, ooh am I kidding she is always like that every day I can't blame her.
         Like today         

    The drama started this morning at school of course when she saw me by my locker parking my things . I think she is considered as the least necessity of life .     

              I remembered the time she said " Don't you need a licence to be that ugly ".

            And l am like " Hey girlfriend do I need a licence to  kick your ass. You are just insane or should I say CLINICAL BRAIN DEAD!!!.

          But I just say it inside my head, so no one really hears it except me but I which she heard it .

           Or the time her and her friends where saying " What's up with her new hairstyle? Why bother it looks like a small mammal made a nest in her hair,  had babies and died .

              That when I got mad and said that if she says another mean  thing about me I promise her a kick on her stupid ass. Then I say Mackenzie did I ever tell you have MD ( mental disorder ooh I am sure you don't know the meaning of MD because you are probably to dumb to Know little miss perfect.

             Mackenzie was surprised she was humiliated, disgraced and ashamed of her self and her two friends were staring at me with shock then I ran away filling

Brandon's pov

    Since I heard Nikki got a phone   I texted her all the time and called her.

       So this was all our text was about :

Nikki : hey Brandon
Brandon : hey Nikki
Brandon : do you want to hang out with me today after school.
Nikki : I love to Brandon ❤️💕😃😄
Brandon : kk see you later 🤗😉🖐️👋👍
Nikki : ok bye

Nikki's POV :

I have to text my cousin lyna since she's famous and has a lot of money that we have to go shopping today and also to text my friends to come shopping with us . Then tell Brandon to pick me up at 8 .

Brandon's pov :
    Nikki just texted me say to pick her up at 8 and I replied kk.

Lyna's pov :
   Nikki just sent me a text and here is what the text was about :

Nikki : hey lyna we have to go shopping today.
Lyna :  why
Nikki : it's because Brandon asked me out and I gotta go get a fancy clothes to were
Lyna : kk well I will see you at 5 on the dot.
Nikki : ok well bye I gotta go tell my friends they will be mad if I don't tell them and be surprised if I tell them
Lyna : best friends😏😄😊
Nikki : yeah best friends we'll see ya soon😄
Lyna : see you soon too bye👋
Nikki : bye

Chloe , Nikki and Zoey's POV

Chloe : hey Nikki What's up
Nikki : nothing just want tell you guys that we are going shopping for my date.
Zoey : which date
Nikki : my date with Brandon he texted me earlier saying that can we have out 😃
Chloe : please tell me you said yes
Nikki : of course I said yes
Zoey : that's my girl
Nikki : we are following lyna to the mall to pick out some fancy clothes so I can wear she is picking us by 5 so we oughta get ready
Chloe and Zoey : ok we are gonna have fun😃
Nikki : yeah and I hope we get married and have children and will be together 💍💕❤️💋💖👌💏
Chloe and Zoey : Nikkiiiiiiiiiii
Nikki : okay bye see you later
Chloe and Zoey : bye

Nikki's POV
I can not wait for my date with Brandon it's like a dream come true. Oh wait someone is at the door and it sure not Brandon because this is 5 o clock wait it has to be lyna . when I opened the door I saw lyna an gave here a big hug
Lyna : hey Nikki ready to go shopping
Nikki : yeah I'm ready but my friends are not here maybe you  can wait for them to come
Lyna : ok
Nikki : ok wait for me to get my phone so I can text my friends
Lyna : okay do not waste time
Nikki : kk

Nikki's POV :
I want to text my friends so that they can come

Nikki : where are you guys lyna is here waiting
Nikki : answer I am calling you guys now

Nikki is trying to call her friends but they are not answering.

Nikki's POV

Why are they not picking I am angry at them let me go and tell lyna but we can go buy some fancy clothes and I will have to cancel on Brandon since my friends bailed on me.

Lyna's POV

Where are your friends
Nikki : l don't know they are not answering my calls and text messages
Lyna : so should we still go
Nikki : of course we should still go shopping my friends are not going to stop us from going and I am cancelling on Brandon☹️
Lyna : ooh sorry
Nikki : don't mention let's go
Lyna : ok

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