chapter 3

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Nikki's pov :

So has I was walking home I got a text from lyna saying to come to her house to watch a movie.this how it went.

Nikki : yes I will come since I had a rough day at school.
Lyna : come pick you at 6.
Nikki : thanks but I feel guilty for bailing on Brandon he kinda asked me out again but I was not in a good mood that time but I feel good now
Lyna : sorry about that you still coming right
Nikki : yeah

Nikki's pov
I got dressed and got ready on time so lyna came to pick me when I got to her house I got in to see Chloe and Zoey smilling and I was like what are they doing here

Lyna's pov
Chloe and Zoey told me about the fight you guys had so we decided to watch a movie together so we will be together.

Chloe Zoey and Nikki Pov :

Chloe : we are really sorry
Zoey : we can spend time with you now if you agree.
Nikki : ooh I forgive you guys and we can absolutely spend time together.
Chloe and Zoey : thanks Nikki for being a good friend we are happy to have you as a friend.
Nikki : I am also happy to have you as a friend but I am still sad that I cancel on Brandon again.
Chloe and Zoey : what do you mean .
Nikki : l mean that Brandon ask me today and I said no because I was not in a good mood.
Chloe and Zoey : sorry we didn't mean for this .
Nikki: don't worry I will talk to him in school tomorrow.
Lyna : guys I know this was the plan but aren't we not going to watch the movie
Chloe , Nikki and Zoey's : lyna were coming

Nikki's pov :
We watched the movie then lyna took me home for the next Surprise a sleep over I packed my thing came back to lyna's house my friend did no go back to there house to pick anyone because they were the ones who planned the sleep over. We had a wonderful time with lyna, Nikki and Zoey.

Nikki's pov

When I woke up I quickly took my bath and brushed my teeth my Friends were already eating breakfast so I joined them we all decided that lyna will drive us to  school when we got to school every one were taking pictures and some were shocked so when I entered the school I was looking for Brandon but did not see him so I decided to text him so this was how the message was

Nikki : hey Brandon
Brandon : hey Nikki
Nikki : Brandon I am sorry for not going out with you I was just not in the mood but I am better now because yesterday me and my friends forgave each other and had a sleep over but I can hang out today if you are interested.
Brandon : yeah I get it you were not in a good mood and I will also love to hang out with you today after school.
Nikki : so u have forgiven me
Brandon : of course why are you asking do you think I will not be able to forgive u
Nikki : no it's just that I have been bailing on u when ever you ask me out.
Brandon : I will also forgive you
Nikki : awwww thanks Brandon your sweet.
Brandon : your also sweet bye
Nikki : bye see ya later

Nikki's pov :
I am feeling much better today do you why because I forgive my friends and Brandon forgive me can this day get any better or worse I know you are wondering why I said that I said that because I just spotted Mackenzie with her gang coming towards me and I was ready for her.

Mackenzie's Pov

Mackenzie : hey Nikki wats up
Nikki : nothings up so mind your own business just because I told you about my cousin does not mean u have to ask me that
Mackenzie : bye loser
Nikki : you are calling me a loser who do u think u are an insane person I can call my cousin now for what you just did and you will be arrested loser
Mackenzie : I am sorry
Nikki : can't hear you ( in my mind I took out my phone and recorded it so I could send it tothe whole school.
Mackenzie : what why u you are gonna regret this ever happened to me
Nikki : no I am not gonna regret when I got lyna at my side
Mackenzie : oooooooo
Nikki : see u later Mackenzie

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