chapter 2

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The big fight

Nikki's pov :

After we finished shopping I checked the time and saw it was eight on the dot and probably Brandon will be at my house why bother when they bailed on me .🙁😟😞☹️

Brandon's pov :

      I was at Nikki's place but no one answered then I decided to text her that I am at the door so here was the conversation Nikki and I had.

Brandon : hey Nikki are you ready I am at the door please come open the door

Nikki's Pov:

As we were about to go I received a message from Brandon I was scared what was I going to do I guess I will have to reply so I sent :

Nikki : hey Brandon em I kinda left home and I am not around  I went out shopping with lyna I am sorry I won't be Available today sorry i bailed on u when I knew I had a date with u the plan was that lyna, Chloe, Zoey and I will go shopping so I could wear something fancy but my friends kinda bailed on me 😤 . I am sorry ☹️🙁😦😢😞.

Brandon : sorry about your friends but we can go somewhere sometime

Nikki : definitely we'll see ya tomorrow bye

Brandon : kk see ya tomorrow bye    

Nikki : bye

Nikki's POV :

     Well I guess that the date is off well I better get home and text my lousy friends they are gonna pay for what the did.

Lyna's pov :

       Well you are at home make sure u get a good night sleep

Nikki : I will good night

Lyna : good night

Nikki's Pov :

        Well today I am going to school and I am totally over yesterday I fell much better I can't wait to go to school in my new cloth and shoe. I am finally ready to go to school and I took my new bag I bought from the mall.

Nikki's pov :

      When I entered the school everyone's eyes were on me even Mackenzie then she came over.

MacKenzie's Pov :

          Well well well look who's here Nikki Maxwell I think she actually took my advise.

Nikki's POV :

Leave me alone you loser you probably didn't know about the part of going with lyna hash tag super star because she is actually my cousin .

Mackenzie' s POV

       Whatttttttttttttttt you mean lyna superstar

Nikki' s POV :

Of course did you not hear me or are you deaf .She is my cousin and as a limo, a mansion and it's way bigger than your house and is a trillioner well she my friend now and will spend any amount of money on me I have to go I hope you don't daydream losers Bye. Then when I was walking down the hall with everyone looking at me I saw Chloe and Zoey and they where coming towards me to talk but I ignored them

Chloe ,Nikki , and Zoey's Pov :

Chloe : hey Nikki
Nikki : don't hey Nikki me u know what you did yesterday you bailed on me and made me cancel my date with Brandon
Zoey and Chloe : Nikki we are sorry we got something to do and we are sorry about the Brandon thing I hope you are going to forgive us for bailing on u
Nikki : so you put something over our friendship which kind of friends are you so you mean I am not importance I went through the stress of text Brandon to cancel the date because of you I am sure you have finished that important thing.
Chloe and Zoey : we are sorry we went to help our parents
Nikki : sorry guys I can't forgive people who don't think I am important or when I need them and they bail on me bye guys.
Chloe and Zoey : ok bye☹️😦
Nikki : yeah see ya🙁

Nikki's pov :

I feel sorry for my friends but they really hot my feelings then I was thinking till my phone received a message from Brandon.

Brandon's pov :

I wanted to see if Nikki was going to be free and if see is fine about her friends. So this is how the message went

Brandon : hey Nikki
Nikki : oh hey Brandon I can't talk right now I am not in the mood for that I gotta go
Brandon : ooh I see I just wanted to see if you are free today
Nikki : I don't know something might pop up again like the last time and I don't want that to happen.
Brandon : ok I hope your fine
Nikki : yes I am fine well bye
Brandon : bye

Nikki's Pov :

I can't believe I just said that I don't even understand myself I am going home.

Chloe and Zoey's Pov :
Chloe : I feel sorry for Nikki
Zoey : so do I , we need to make it up to Nikki .

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