Chapter 10

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      The next morning. Han woke up to an empty bed. He sprung out of bed. She wasn't in the fresher. He walked downstairs and found her. She was standing outside, looking out at the water. He walked out and stood behind her.

"You're up early." He pointed out. She didn't even turn around. She just nodded.

"I would have thought that you would have still been asleep after...everything." He said.

      She didn't answer him. She just shook her head. Han stepped forward and put his hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off and walked away to the open field not far away. The grass was up to his knees, it was a bright yellow-gold color. He caught up to her.

"Leia," he called out to her. "Leia! Stop." She stopped where she was standing.

"What's wrong? Why won't you talk to me?" He asked her. Her back was turned to him. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed. She turned around so she was looking at him now.

"It's nothing." She said.

"You're lying to me, Leia." She let out a deep breath.

"It's nothing, Han."

"Was it something I said last night?"


"Alright then. What's going on?"

"Han, it's nothing." She raised her voice.

"That's Bantha shit and you know it. Leia, I'm your husband. We're supposed to talk things out." He yelled.

"You wouldn't believe any of it."

"Try me." His voice tone now matching her soft tone.

"That nightmare I had last night. Vader was there. And he gave me a small ball of light."

"Maybe it was a peace offering?" he tried to joke, but Leia wasn't in the mood for jokes right now.

"It was our child, Han. Vader handed me the ball of light and then said something. After that, Vader disappeared. Then there were sounds of a baby crying coming from the ball, and it all clicked. The ball was our child, Han. Vader said 'Take it Leia. Take this light. Protect it from darkness'. Our child is going to be another Vader." She said, tears streaming down her face. Han hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

"Our child will be fine, Leia. It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real." She backed away from his embrace and looked at him.

"You don't know that!" she exclaimed. "We don't know that. I don't know that." Worry covered her face.

"Leia, listen to me." Han said, taking her hand and looking into her eyes. "This baby will be surrounded by love and light. It will always be protected from darkness. I promise, Leia. Everything will be alright. We will be fine." He cupped her face and kissed her. He wiped her tears and gave her a soft smile. She nodded.

"Now," he said. "Let's get back to the house and get ready to go to the appointment." She nodded. They walked hand in hand back to the house.

      They sat in the medcenter waiting for a nurse to call their name. Han was happy that Leia wasn't so rattled by the nightmare anymore after their chat that in the field. A nurse came out and called their name. They followed her back to a room. It didn't take long for a doctor to knock at the door.

"I hear you want to find out what you're having?" he said.

"Yes. We do." Leia said, smiling at Han.

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