Chapter 9

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      After dinner, all the men went out for drinks and the women stayed home to have a girls' night. This gave Jobal the perfect opportunity to get to know her granddaughter more. Jobal came into the living room, where they were all sitting, and handed Leia a cup of tea.

"So, Leia. Tell me about your childhood." Jobal said. Leia nodded, taking a sip of tea and setting it on the coffee table in front of her.

"Alderaan was a beautiful place to grow up. Bail and Breha were the best parents a person could ask for. Breha was beautiful and smart and had a great personality. Bail was the same way. They were great. I lived in the palace with my aunts and Memily, who was an assistant to us. One of the great things about Memily was that she had medical knowledge. See, they hired her after Breha had several miscarriages."

"I didn't know that. How awful. No one should ever have to experience one, let alone, several miscarriages." Sola said, shaking her head. Jobal nodded in agreement.

"Bail said that the day he brought me home to Alderaan was the day their prayers had been answered. He said that they were able to take their minds off of trying for a child for a long time. When I was about five, they tried yet again. But sadly, it happened again and they stopped trying completely. I hated seeing the despair in her eyes. But Breha eventually put it all behind her and just accepted that it wasn't meant to happen and that she had me to look after. She said that I was truly a gift sent from the gods. After graduating from school, I went right into politics. My father took me under his wing. I'm thankful for that. He taught me the skills that make a good leader."

"And a great person." Sola smiled.

"Yes, and a great person." Leia smiled back, blushing a little. She winced a little.

"Are you okay, Leia?" Pooja asked.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine," Leia smiled. "It's just that I'm still trying to get used to the feeling of the baby moving and kicking. It feels weird still." She giggled. The ladies laughed with her.

"I remember that both Pooja and Ryoo were both energetic, it seemed they were constantly on the move. Moving and kicking day in and day out. Believe me, you'll get used to it in no time." Sola laughed.

"Sola and Padme were good babies. They slept a lot and they were very calm. Of course, there were nights where we had gotten no sleep because they were up constantly." Jobal laughed.

"Han and I are going to go to the medcenter tomorrow to find out what we're having."

"That's very exciting!" Jobal exclaimed.

"We're very excited." Leia smiled.

"I remember the first time I was pregnant. I was pregnant with Sola. Ruwee and I were so excited when we found out we were having a girl. It was an easy pregnancy. Then four years later when I was pregnant with Padme, we were surprised we were having another girl. We were hoping for a boy, but honestly, we didn't care what we had as long as it was healthy. That was also an easy pregnancy. After that, Ruwee and I agreed that we had everything we wanted." Jobal smiled at the memory.

"They certainly can be a handful, too. Pooja and Ryoo were quite a handful. So full of energy. Pooja slept well after about the first six months. Ryoo slept well after about eight months. Your lives are going to definitely be different." Sola laughed. Leia smiled and nodded.

"Yes, our lives are going to definitely be different. You are certainly right about that." Leia said.

      Han walked into their room. Leia was asleep. He got ready for bed and got into bed next to her. He smiled at her. She looked so peaceful, like an angel. Han gently brushed his hand across her cheek then leaned in and kissed her forehead.

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