Chapter 8

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      Everyone was waiting for them when they landed on Naboo. Pooja and Ryoo were the only people Leia and Han recognized. Leia suddenly felt nervous.

"It's okay, sweetheart." Han said putting his arms around her.

"I know. I just don't know what they'll think of me."

"Trust me. They will love you. You're part of their family. There's nothing to worry about." Leia nodded. Han leaned down and kissed her. "C'mon. We should get going." He smiled.

      Leia took Han's hand and walked down the ramp with Chewie following behind them. The Naberries looked up and saw them heading their way.

"Leia! It's so great to see you again." Pooja smiled, hugging her cousin.

"It's great to see you too, Pooja." Leia smiled back.

"Han, good to see you." Ryoo said.

"Good to see you both again. It's been a while."

"Yes, it has." Ryoo nodded.

"Let me introduce you to the rest of the family here." Pooja said. "Everyone, this is Leia, Han, and Chewbacca."

"Hello." Everyone said.

      Leia looked at everyone and smiled. She began to go down the line of people. There were quite a few people. She couldn't wait to get to know them and possibly learn more about her mother. First up was a woman with brown hair that had a small amount of gray in it.

"I'm Jobal. I'm Padme's mother and your grandmother." Jobal smiled at Leia. Leia smiled and nodded then moved to the next person. It went on and on. Smile, nod, step, repeat.

"I'm Ruwee. I'm Padme's father and your grandfather."

"I'm Sola. I'm Padme's sister and your aunt."

"I'm Darred. I'm Sola's husband.

"I'm Sabe. I was a great friend and servant to Padme."

      The line ended and they all smiled at Leia. Leia smiled back. She was so happy to finally meet them. They walked back to her grandparents' house where they would be staying for their time on Naboo.

      Han and Leia finished unpacking their things and laid down on the bed. Han put his hand on her stomach. She was showing more now that she was almost three and a half months along.

"Maybe we can make an appointment with the medic while we're here. You know, to find out what we're having?"

"That sounds like a great idea." Han smiled and kissed her.

"I'm excited."

"So am I. I hope it's a boy."

"I know, I know, flyboy. I still hope it's a girl."

"Not changing your vote, sweetheart?"

"Nope. Never!" she teased. They laughed and kissed.

"I kinda hope it's a girl. I'd like a kid that looks like you. Has your looks, your smarts, your personality."

"Then you'd be in trouble." She laughed.

"I know." He chuckled.

      There was a knock on the door. They both stood up and walked over to the door. Han opened it. It was Sola.

"Hi, Sola." Han said, smiling.

"Hello, Han," she smiled back. "Hello, Leia."

"Hi." Leia smiled, putting her hand around Han's waist.

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