Chapter 18: Tragic Accident

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Kelli p.o.v.

I was waiting for Billy to come over to my house when I heard a scream. Mom!! I quickly dash down the stair to see the gruesome horror scene in my life!

Dallas was standing over my mother, with a knife in his hand, and blood coming from the wound from my mother stomach.

"Run if you don't want to be next" snarled Dallas but i refuse to leave my mother, it not my fault I'm a momma girl.

He hurl the bloody knife toward me and it hit me in the square of my stomach and i wince in pain and he started walking toward me slowly, like a predator stalking its pray.

He had the weird fiery light in his eyes as he walk slowly toward me, I couldn't move cause it hurts too much to move an inch and i lost hope as he tower over me.

"Pretty girl ya should of run when you got the chance" Dallas said bitterly and grab my chin roughly and threw me to ground hard. Then he got in top of me.

He punch not once but twice and i hit him hard on the stomach causing him to groan in pain and i kick him off me.

He stood and started walking, but not towards me, towards the knife that hit me. He grab the knife and before I could make an movement he grab me and roughly threw me to the ground again.

With him on top of me, again, but with the knife under my chin ready to slice my neck at any given moment.

However, something happen

Dallas was threw off me, and I didn't move an inch, and i realize it was Billy that threw him off me, Dallas was beating the crap out of Billy.

"Hey!" I yell feeling myself getting angry watching Dallas punch my friend, Billy, who save my life. I jump behind Dallas and threw him on the floor, i check Billy, he had a bloody nose and a few bruise but he fine. We both watch Dallas, ready to punch the daylight outta of him.

When i remember "mom!" I said looking at a almost lifeless body of my mother who clutching her stomach, and perhaps holding on to her life. "We have to call the police and ambulance" Billy said looking at my mother for a moment with teary eye.

He dial 991 and call for police and ambulance, all while he stare at my mother like if it was his own mother. The police and ambulance came and we both rode on the ambulance.

We both were waiting in the waiting room when Billy said "i call my father to come"

"Your father?" I said

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