Untitled Part 25

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---2 Months later---
After the accident in firework (which thanks to Laura i had to pay the repair payment) so anyways i was just finish filming sadly the last episode of Austin&Ally.
it been a week that happen we all share emotional goodbye to Raini (sp?) and Calum, who play Trish and Dez. it also that special day will i will ask Laura Marano to be my wife, since our daughter is respectful age. i lie to Laura saying i haven't spend time with Calum, which i only text to now. In other word she brought the lie.
So I walk to the Jewelry store name Millie's Splendid Rings which it the best ring store in the state. A brunette with a tan walk over to where I was.
"what can i do for you, sir?"
Glad she not fan-girling at me although she obviously recognize me by how her eyes widen and disbelief was written all over her face.
"i'll like....a engagement ring please."
She gawk at me before slowly shaking her head but nodded, noneless. She took me to the section of all engagement rings are place.
man, there different kind of engagement ring starting from colors, forms, tone, and it jewels. Through all them where splendid (ironic given the name of the shop) none where the one i was looking for, the one.
When things where looking resign (hopeless) we finally found the perfect one. (a

: how do you stop bold?) It spiral with silver and entrusted with rubies (ironic again) in spectacular pattern. it wasn't expensive and modest looking, yet breath-taking. Perfect.
The ring was brought at a $300 dollars which i gladly paid. So then i started my long (i'm being over dramatic) trip home.
I arrive home to find the kid already asleep so i snake my arm around Laura's waist, which since she hasn't heard me come home i scare the sh** outta her. she scream causing me to laugh.
She glare at me but roll her eyes good naturally. "what brings you home early?"
sh*t i forgot i was suppose to, in her opinion, spend the day with Calum. i smile at her but inside i'm thinking what do i say?
"um, yes...." i start but she gave the look clearly she isn't gonna buy what i ws about to say. So i decide right now it the best moment, so got to my knee.
"Laura Marano, hopefully soon Lynch." I gave the best cheeky smile, "we been through a lot together and through time i realize that you're the most perfect person for me, will please do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Lynch?"
her chocolate-brown eye widen in shock and disbelief, stun to say anything, before cracking a huge smile. "yes! many time yes!" And that, ladies and gentlemen, was how Mr. Ross Lynch and Mrs. Laura Lynch nee Marano came to be.
Ross and Laura were both making breakfast at their medium cosy house when their children came,literally, bouncing down.
"mommy! daddy! can you tell us the story again?"
they both smile at their youngest child, Jamie a six year old that look like splitting image of Ross.
"no sweetie we lready told you that last night." Laura answered her daughter
she pouted "not fair, i fell asleep." she squeal when she smell pancakes.

Ross smile at his daughter when two troublesome kid tumble into the kitchen.

their older children.

they married and had 4, a 5th on the way, children who grew up and became successful in life. laura and Ross stay happily ever after.

dust after dust, may there love roam after death.


A\N: hey guys *dodge tomatoes* sorry! sheesh anyways i hate this story i think it to long or something? i improve over time but i think this is sh**ty

now important stuff!

i'm sorry for not updating or being online over more than 2 months! my brother didn't want me on here so i'm doing it secretly yet i detach myself so suck really.

Anyways made long as i could for ya thanks for supporting me and read me red-did bio and ya luv ya i'll try to read comment and answer them next page (no it not an update this is it no more) it just so i can answer your question hopefully you like the story and thanks for reading.

His DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora