Chapter 16: Hi My Name Is...

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Kelli p.o.v. (Kelli is 6 year old)

I tiptoes to my mom room quietly and climb to her bed. "Mother! Time for school!," i say jumping up and down on the bed.

"What the hell, Kelli," said Dallas he should be my 'dad' but never in millions year will i said that to him "sorry Dallas," i mumbled, walking to the kitchen.

"Ready for first day of school sweetie?," ask my mother and I nodded eagerly, I couldn't wait. After i finish my breakfast i grab my princess backpack and strolled to the bus.

"Hey, look at that gay princess backpack", someone yell follow by laughter at the hall when i arrive at school. Tears start swelling in my eye until "back off! She didn't do anything she an angel", who said that?

I turn around to find a boy around my age he has long brown hair and a little short. He look at me and smile before walking away.

Who was he?

The rest of the day of school went by like a blur and all I could think is about that boy that defended me, if not just because he defened me and called me an angel but there something fimialiar about him.

Like i should know him

As the last bell rang i pack my backpack and got ready to leave when the same boy that call me an angel showed up.

"Hey," he said smiling a little and said "what your name?," after I got over my shock that he actually in front of me i said "Kelli, Kelli Lynch," his eye widen.

"You have the same last name as me, Billy Lynch by the way," my eye widen a little "really?," i ask and he laugh.

"Maybe we can hang out later," with that he left. And i left to my bus that took me home.

I arrive and immediately felt the pain flur through my face, yep my so called 'dad' makes me do wierd thing when mother not here and if i don't those thing right i get punch of get it worse if i tell my mother, so that the reason i don't tell her.

"What do you w-want?," i said scare of him, he just smirk down at me,

oh no.

Billy p.o.v.

That Kelli girl has the same last name as me, wierd, I'm gotta ask my dad what that was about so that when I arrived.

My dad was cooking something in the kitchen i went to him and he was cooking pancake, typical, "so dad i met a girl and wierd thing is she has the same last name as me, how come?,"

He look at me for a moment before saying "what her name?," and i say "Kelli Lynch," and his eyes widen.

"Oh," was all he said before setting plates of pancakes down and left, you probably wondering where my mother is? She died when she gave birth to me so i never knew her.

I finish eating and walk towards my dad who was...crying?

AN: Read/Vote/comment please!!!

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