Chapter 10: Heated Argument

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Laura p.o.v.

{A Month Pass}

A month had pass, Ross nowhere to be found, and she lost contact of the world outside expect when she goes outside to eat something, for her and her child. Laura was surprised that her parent still haven't know she was there, and it getting harder for her to hide with her morning sickness. As the month past Laura stomach begin to hurt frequently and her stomach grew.

The month finish and it was the first day of the new month when she was reading divergent, when her room door opened revealing her parents. Uh-oh was her only thought before her parents fist came crashing down her face, thank god it was her face and not her stomach, "where the hell where you!" Laura dad yelled her, and her mother was weeping, that rarely happens.

Once all of them were quiet down, Laura parents were waiting for her responded, "you guys never care where I am so why would you care now?" Laura parent's look dumbfounded before Laura mom said "we may look like we don't care, but we do" her voice faltered and her eyes look stingy, Laura dad features soften just a little. For a moment it look like they are a happy family and made her said the word she thought she never say to them "I'm pregnant" that when her dad went stone face again.

"WHAT!!!! WHO THE FATHER!!!!" They yelled in unison, which hurts her hearing, "Ross is the father" Laura mumbled scare what her parent are gotta do "that blonde kid! Making my daughter pregnant!!" Her dad snarled he turned his heel and stomp out of her room. Her mother was there, weeping again, and mumbled the words that somehow made her world turn upside down "get out" "but..." Laura was caught off as her dad stomp back in with velvet color luggage and said "out! You'll learn your lesson! Now out!" He throw the luggage at Laura's bed and he cradled her mother and left Laura alone to get ready with shutting the door hard in her face, now she was to face the world alone, with a child.

Hell is the word she was feeling as she stumbled down from her room, and he'll is how she feeling because barely getting to front door her parent whipped her by yelling, screeching, punching harder than ever, and all she could do was stay quiet, which irate her. She finally made it out of the door with bruises covering her arms and partly her face, her nose was bleeding and there nothing she could about it, she made her way to underground and made her little house.

Once, she finally finished, she sat down at her blanket that now her new bed and felt her stomach, when something magic happen, she felt a baby bump. She caressed her stomach with her finger smoothly and felt the bump again, her crack and bruise lip turn to a smile. Through all what happen, she felt happy by just feeling her child little kicks, she know whatever happen it was all gotta be worth it when the baby is born. She lay in the blanket and time made her fall asleep with new hopes, and hopes for her child.

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