Chapter 8: The Message He Got

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Ross p.o.v. (Surprise)

Ross was starting to worry for Laura, she look more green everyday and always puke in the mornings, it was harder for him to convinced his parent that nobody in his room with Laura puking three in the morning, defiantly when he half asleep. She just claim that she 'under the weather' but Ross doesn't believe her.He was eating his breakfast, Laura was waiting for him to bring her food more than usual since she sick and she start getting more hungry, that doesn't do Ross any good cause his parents are starting to notice their food missing faster than usual.

She look better after their starry night date but she got awfully sick again.

He finish his breakfast and make Laura some oatmeal and starts climbing up to his room where Laura was waiting in her spot looking more sallow than ever before. "Eat up, Laura you're get better" he started saying that a lot that he didn't even believe in it, how did she suddenly get sick like this?, Laura ate poorly but at least she got some food in her stomach better than yesterday.

He couldn't let her go to her parents, not like this all sick, and hestantly she agree with him. "I have to an interview for my dream job of being an actor (pretend he not famous) so you'll be alone, is that okay with you?" He ask nervously, Laura nodded her head weakly then start to closed her eyes, she fell asleep in incent time, Ross started getting ready quietly.

(Drives to the interview)

Ross arrive at the interview building and immediately got called on, he arrive into the office of Mr. White the producer and owner of the building, "sit down Ross, ready for your interview?" Ross nodded and the interview started.

"Do have any sibling?"

"I'm an only child, sir" (r5 not included in the fanfriction)

"Full name?"

"Ross Shor Lynch"

"Why do you want to be an actor, Ross?"

"I love the attention and the rush being on TV and enjoy playing other people and characters"

"Bravo, good answer we'll give you news if your becoming an famous star or rejected" with that Mr. White stood up and walk away with his men in black and Ross got up and made his way to his car. He drove home and strolled into his bedroom, his parent were going to be a gone for two weeks, Laura was still sleeping soundly so he cradled her in his arm, she light as a feather, and rock her a little singing lightly a melody.

He just finish putting her in her bed when his phone buzz, he look at the message

Mr. White: your gotta be an actor, but to fully get this role you have to leave everything behind

It reads, at first he was excited as a little kid and face pump the air, then he remeber Laura, he has to leave her behind.

He was dumbfounded, it was eithier his dream job or his dream girl, he couldn't decide, Ross look at Laura and remeber her exact words 'through they abuse me it makes no difference that they are my parents' so he decided he needs to focus on his carrer and he decided to leave Laura to her parents althrough that hurts him so much.

He drove to Laura house, Laura still sleeping in the passenger seat, once they got there he unbuckled Laura and carry here to her window, the house wasn't big, and plop her down her bed, her shirt stain with his tears and he said a breathy "goodbye" and left for his career and left the girl of his dream there.

His DaughterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz