Chapter Two

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So that was how life was, after a couple years we concluded she didn't age, and she help so much with the kids. She became a part of the family, and even help with income. She was a fantastic artist, and would paint pictures. We began to anonymously sell them since she wasn't a registered person. She was so sweet, perfect and humble.

We never told anyone out side of the family about her powers because of fear of being taken away. They helped a lot around the house thought.

Now living in our house was me (Jake) my wife my three kids there spouses and my 7 grand kids. Rachel had a wife (Yes she is lesbian if you have a problem with that leave) and a daughter, Tommy the first of the two twins had 3 sons and 1 daughter, and Greg the second twin had a wife and twins a girl and a boy.

It had been exactly 49 years since I found (Y/N) in the road, and we loved her so much she was family to us. She never lost her accent which was funny, because she had never talk to someone with any other accent besides Canadian.

She never remembered her old family, and told us if she ever did she would still alway love and help our family. For some reason it always rained on that day, the anniversary of the day we found her.

Every single year it would rain thunder and lightning, just like the first few day we had her. There was absolutely no problem with that since (Y/N) loved the rain and thunder she even loved lightning. There was no explanation for this she just like it it made her happy and calm.

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