Chapter One

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I drove threw the snow just wanting to get home, when something began to fall from the sky. It looked like a meteor, but when it hit the ground right in front of my car I slammed on the brakes noticing it was a person.

Lucky they were far enough forward so I didn't hit them, They were surrounded by fire. I scrambled out of my car as the fire died out, and ran to the person. I know saw it was a young teen girl maybe 13, she was wearing armor that made it look like she just got out of a old kingdom war. I shook he shoulder, and her eyes fluttered open. She sat up

"where might I be,"

She asked with a mix between a British and Australian accent.

"Toronto, Canada"

I replied helping her stand up.

"My name Is Jack how about you"

I asked, but she seemed stuck on the simple question.

"I believe it is (Y/N). Yes now that I say it aloud that is most definitely my name."

She replied,

"Okay you seem like you don't remember much, how about you come and spend the night with my family."

I offered I could not leave the teen alone in the snow, and she needs protection. Also I am Canadian what can I say. She accepted my offer, and I helped her into my jeep. When I pulled in the driveway of my home we both climbed out, and I led her inside.

"I am home."

I call out, my pregnant wife turned the corner, and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello dear, and what is your name"

she said looking over at the girl,

"hello I am (Y/N)"

The girl responded. Just then my daughter comes running around the corner, and I scoop her up in my arm's.

"Hello pumpkin, I would like you to meet (Y/N) she will be staying with us tonight so be nice to her okay. (Y/N) this is my daughter Rachel, and my wife Samantha"

I said.

"Hello it is a pleasure to meet you all. I am unsure where I am from or how to get home so Jake very kindly offered for me to stay here if it is okay with you both."

The young girl asked,

"Of course you can stay here as long as you would like."

Samantha responded, she got the girl settled in a spare bedroom, and told her to take a shower. The girl came into the kitchen wearing some old clothes,

"while I was in the shower I seem to have remembered I have powers. To control the elements and temperature, however I am unsure how I came about them."

The girl said seemingly nervous about our reaction.

"Well as long as you are confident in your control there is nothing wrong."

My wife said,

"I do have very good control over them I believe that I had trained with them before, thought I am uncertain."

The girl responded.

"If you don't mind my asking it does appears you are to have a new edition to the family soon is this true."

She asked gesturing to Samantha's belly that looked like it was about to pop,

"yes we are actually expecting twin boys, if you stay long enough you can help take care of them."

Sam said rubbing her baby bump.

"Oh that would be lovely, though I would not want to be a burden, and will try to be on my way as soon as possible."

(Y/N) said.

"No darling you will never be a burden you can help us with the kids. We will be your new family."

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