Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Queen Minx P.O.V

As we sneaked into the building towards the back using an open window, I had this odd feeling like something wasn’t right. We slowly made our way around the room that we were in, We didn’t bring any lanterns so Cry had to use his magic to create a glow while Krism’s red eye glowed for her to see. We kept on tripping over furniture that was hard to see in the dark. I was about to move forward next to a couch until Krism stopped me by pulling me back.

“Wait!” Krism half-whispered and half-yelled, “I see a wire going from that edge of the couch to the wall!” She walks over to a piece of crumpled paper that was laying on the floor, told us to back up, and she threw it to the wire. Instantly, a trap door from under opens wide and the paper drops down to a room underground, I only saw four walls, no door. Then the trap door automatically closes back.


I kiss Krism as a way to thank her for saving my life. We heard footsteps nearby and we all threw ourselves to a nearby hiding spot. Cry made his glowing magic disappear but Krism, who was hiding in the shadows, still had her red eye glowing but only a dim red light. She tried her best to cover it, but wasn’t working too well. I was hiding under the couch. Krism and I stare at each other as a man walks past us.

“The trap door was triggered, must have been a stupid rat. Goddamn it! I’ll leave it alone, I ain’t wasting my time even more than I already am with it. I really need to go out more, I’m freaking talking to myself in the middle of a dark room…” He walks past me but my heart almost stops as he stood still right in front of where Krism hid. He leans in closer to the corner of darkness, then shrugs and walks out of the room. I look around the room to notice Krism moving away from the corner and towards a table. We let a minute or two go by as we wait for him to be away from us before we appear.

“Krism, you okay?” I whispered as soft as possible to her.

“I’m okay, that was freaking close…” She whispers back.

“I think it would be easier to find both Mark and Marzia if we split up into two groups since there are 6 of us, three people per group.” Ken says as we group up in the middle of the room.

We took a while but then decided on who goes with who. Cry had to go with Pewds and Ken to give them light while Krism, Yami and I had Krism as a way of light and, as the queen of victubia, I need a bodyguard at all times.

“Here, you need it to protect Krism and Minx” Pewds says as he hands his trusty dagger.

Krism, Yami and I went through the ventilation shaft while the rest snuck around the building.


Yami unscrewed the small screws from the wall to open the vent using the dagger and we climbed inside. It was dark but Krism’s glowing red eye gave a little bit of light. We climbed as slow and as steady as possible until we reached a vent that lead to a room across the building that was empty and had a couple spots to hide. Yami, again, unscrewed the vent and we hopped off to the ground. Once we jumped off, we ran to a spot to hide just in case someone heard. I hid under a covered table while waiting on the Krism to get out. We waited for any sign of movement. We heard talking in the room next to us so we tried to stay as quiet as we could. I slowly turn the doorknob to open the door, I looked around the hallway to see if there was anyone. Nothing.

Krism walks over to the chair that the guard was sleeping on and triggered something. She stepped on a wire that was connected from the ceiling to something on the floor. She swings upside down like a trap for a wild animal and her foot got tied to a rope. She tried to untie it by reaching for it but failed because she wasn’t that flexible. We hurried up as Yami cut the rope and I caught Krism in my arms. We instantly heard chairs screeching on the floor and a door opening, followed by footsteps entering the room. Shit...

Did you enjoy this chapter? I hope you did! Why? Because I spent a lot of time on this story and I want you guys to enjoy it as much as possible. Please, comment or message me directly about what you thought about this chapter. I already wrote the enitre story down so I might not add or delete anymore things but feel free to tell me your idea on my story. -Brenda

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