Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Krism P.O.V

I smash down to the ground as the piece of wood penetrates and goes through my thigh. I scream in pain but my scream soon was muffled by Ken falling on me. I barely managed to breath when he got off me. Silence. I tried to move my leg but I screamed in pain after.

“Guys? Minx?!”

I was facing the floor so I wasn’t able to see everyone else. I thought I was alone. I heard footsteps and rubble then I heard the voice I was hoping to hear.

“Krism! Krism are you okay?” Minx says.

She lays down so she could see my face. She starts to shake in fear as she sees my pained face. She quickly stands up to help Pewds and Cry as they push off the remaining pieces of wood and rocks.

“Guys, a piece of wood is IN my freaking thigh. Help, please. I can’t move!” I yell at them as they tried to move my leg.

Marzia walks next to me and says, “We need to turn you to your side so that we can pull it out and try to treat your wound. It might hurt a little…”

Marzia hands me her handkerchief and I bite down on it. Minx holds my hand as Ken turns me over.

The handkerchief barely muffles my scream. When my body was turned to the side, the tears rolled down my cheek. Cry kneeled down at my bleeding thigh and brought a green glow to it saying weird words then applied pressure on it. The pain soon disappeared and Cry slowly pulls out the piece of wood while Pewds and Ken hold my leg still.

Once the wood was out of my leg, it started to bleed uncontrollably but Cry said some weird words and my wound stopped bleeding and slowly closed. But it wasn’t able to close completely but enough to let me stand. I had to hold onto Minx’s neck to stand up because some of the pain returned and I needed help standing. Marzia tied her handkerchief around my wound to make it stop bleeding.

“Thank you” I whispered to them.

I got light-headed from the blood loss and had to lean on Minx for support.

"I can walk now but, we were suppose to be silent. Now were in the basement..." I say while clinging to Minx.

"Let's not split up this time. We stick together as a whole group!" Pewds suggests.


I was able to walk but I was limping. Here and there I would need to rest from the pain but I was able to manage. Minx would always ask if I was alright, extremely worried, but I kept telling her I was fine. We walked through this narrow corridor in the basement. It turns out that the floor that we fell from made us fall straight to a room in the basement. I'm amazed nobody heard, or so I thought. When we reached the door at the end of the corridor, the door was half open.

"Wait! That's extremely suspicious... why would they leave the doors unlocked and open?" Minx says concerned.

Pewds replied sarcastically,  "Maybe they wanted to be nice for a change?" Minx smacks Pewds in the back of the head.

"I'm saying, 'be goddamn careful'"


I limped my way in front of Minx and opened the door wide open. It was a room with someone in the middle of the room.


I ran to him but when I got closer to him, I realized,  it was a goddamn haystack disguised as Mark. I turn around.

"Guys. It's a trap!" I yell out.

It was too late. Everyone already piled into the room in a row. Minx looked at me confused for a while then realized what I meant. Minx turns around to be face-to-face with a tall man, much skinnier than the last guy. He smacks Minx in the head really hard and she fell to the floor, unconscious. I raged and I let my entire anger out and attacked him, but with my wound, I soon got tired.  I got smacked from behind before I was able to reach Minx and I got thrown to the floor.

My ears ringing and my vision blurry, I wasn't able to stand back up, but I tried my best and I got on my knees using my entire energy.  Someone injected something in my neck and my vision blurred completely but I could barely make out shapes of people getting attacked and some unconscious on the floor. The last one standing was someone with a blank face, Cry. All I was able to see were green glows everywhere before the same man that knocked Minx out punches Cry in the face, cracking his mask and he fell to the floor, the same as the others. I tried to reach out and help but my vision soon turned black. Am I dead?

Did you enjoy this chapter? I hope you did! Why? Because I spent a lot of time on this story and I want you guys to enjoy it as much as possible. Please, comment or message me directly about what you thought about this chapter. I already wrote the enitre story down so I might not add or delete anymore things but feel free to tell me your idea on my story. -Brenda

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