Chapter 21 [Epilogue]

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Chapter 21


I watched as the figure walked over to the shower door, where I stood there helplessly. I felt something stuck in my throat so I tried to cough it up. I turned to face the wall as I started coughing. I turned around after my coughing fit to come face to face with someone I wasn’t expecting to be in the shower with.

“Minx?” I asked, shocked. She leaned forward and turned the knob to change the temperature of the water to cold. She hugged my naked body and started whispering to me.

“I’m sorry, I’m disturbing you while you’re showering. I just couldn’t sit there and hear you in pain from the hangover so I came here to help you out.” She whispered, hugging me tighter as I breathed heavily onto her neck. I nodded my head and started washing my body. Everytime I felt dizzy, I would lean on Minx and she would help me out. I didn’t feel harassed, instead I felt calm.

After the shower incident, I sat on the bed waiting for Minx to come back with these visitors. I heard someone knocking on the bedroom door so I walked over and opened it. Minx was the first person that I saw. I looked over her shoulder to see Cry and 3 new people standing behind her.

“Hi Krism. So, this group is The Late Night Crew. Cry is the main bartender at the bar and he has his ‘little helpers.’I’ll let them introduce themselves.” Minx says. She walks into the room and the group follows. I sit down on the edge of the bed and smiled politely.

“Hi, my name is Red. I use red Vox magic known as fire. This is my pet dragon. It’s cool to meet you.” A young woman, around my age, with red hair and a dragon on her shoulder. I try to pet the dragon but it breathes fire at me. I hesitated.

“I’m Russ. I’m more of an earth and rock type of person.” A young man with short brown hair and thick glasses holds out his hand. I gladly accept his handshake and I smile.

“I’m Snake.” A tall, muscular man approaches me. He doesn’t shake hands with me. His voice was very deep and raspy. He wasn’t as welcoming as his companions but I respected that.

They all stood next to each other and held each other’s hands. They brought their hands up in the air and said in unison, “And we are The Late Night Crew. At your service!” They bowed down.

“it’s amazing to meet you all. I like your little ‘performance’ there. Sorry I don’t look good right now since I drank a little too much last night.” I said, fixing my red vest.

“It’s alright. We don’t dress to impress either.” Red says, making us laugh.

“Well, we need to back to the bar. See ya later Krism!” Cry opens the door and waves goodbye at me. Everyone else followed him, saying goodbye to Minx and I as they passed us.

When Minx closed the door, I took off my itchy vest and rested my head on the soft pillows. It was already the afternoon and all I wanted to do was sleep the rest of the day.

“I need to go and write a few more laws with you in it such as ‘respect Lady Krism’ blah blah blah so I won’t be able to cuddle next to you. Sorry bebeh.” Minx said, grabbing her coat and kissed me on the cheek before turning off the lights and closing the door. Minx is so sweet and the best girlfriend I could ever have. With her in my mind, I slowly fell asleep, knowing Victubia is safe now with her as the queen.

-----------------------------------Time Skip~One Month Later-----------------------------------

Queen Minx P.O.V (Late at night)

I sigh at the view of all the paperwork in front of me. I look over at the grandfather clock, ‘2:24’ I read. Instead of cuddling next to my girlfriend Krism, I’m stuck here in the middle of the night, reading complaining letters and laws. Being queen isn’t always fun. Scratch that, Being queen is stressful.

“Screw this! I’ll finish this up tomorrow, right now I’m going to sleep.” I say to myself.


I was so tired, I couldn't even open my eyes long enough and my mind was blank. I walk down the hall to my bedroom and slowly open the door. I could see a sleeping Krism. I slowly walked to the balcony and stepped outside for some fresh air. The cool air woke me up just enough to think straight. I look out my balcony and enjoy the view of my kingdom. Some lights were still on but most of them were off. This is the place where I could think straight.

I still couldn’t believe that my ex-best friend, Dlive, was out to kill me. But I know there is someone behind all of this. For a month, there has been no kidnapping and no crime. For an average queen, she would think that it was a great thing. But for me, it was way too suspicious. I look over at my beautiful girlfriend who is turning her body, trying to sleep. Krism...I can’t believe either that I fell in love with an intruder. In my opinion, everything depends on what lies within. I thought Krism was nothing but an evil intruder, but I thought wrong. Krism is nothing like I have imagined. She still has her power within her but I could bypass that any day. Everyone doesn’t seem bothered by it but Cry. He’s been acting suspicious yet, I do not know why. Like I said, it depends on what lies within someone.

“Minx...what are you doing outside?” Krism asks, bringing me back to reality. I turn my head to see her.

“Sorry. I was getting some fresh air. I’ll go to bed right now.” I tell her. She simply nods her head and goes back to sleep. I took one more deep breath and walked back inside, closing the balcony door and walking away from all the problems I had before.

“Tomorrow is a new day with new problems as Queen of Victubia.” I said to myself.

Thank you so much for reading this story. Unfortunately, this is where it ends. But do not worry! Right now, as you read this, I will be slowly writing the second book of this. Like, a sequel, I guess. But that will take a while. But I have the whole summer to write it so time isn't a problem. For now, you should go and read my other story if you haven't already. Also, go and watch the youtubers that I mentioned in this story: TheRPGMinx, KrismPro, Cryaotic, Markiplier, Yamimash, Pewdiepie, CutiePieMarzia, CinnamonToastKen, dlive22891, etc.


What Lies Within_A Victubia Fanfiction (Part 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें