Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Krism P.O.V

We stop at around the third floor to see Marzia locked in a room with two guards in front of the door, taunting her, and one guard patrolling. I had my plan: The two guys taunting Marzia are facing her and not us so I will walk behind the guard patrolling as he has his back turned while someone else gets the last two.

But before I could explain it to everyone else, Pewds runs behind the patrolling guard and stabs him in the back with his dagger and stabs one of the taunting guards in the neck, letting him bleed out. The other guard went running to Minx right away and was about to stab her until Yami steps forward and takes the blow. He gets stabbed in his left shoulder but manages to grab the guard’s neck and crack it, leaving the guard limp. Yamimash pulls out the knife from his bleeding shoulder and drops it on the floor, not caring about it.

“Queen Minx, I did promise to always protect you. Are you alright?” Yami asks, not turning to face her. Minx nods and hugs Yami.

“Thank you”


Pewds quickly ran to the door that Marzia was locked in saying through the small window.

“Marzia! Don’t worry I’ll get you out!”

Pewds stepped back and charged with all his force to the door, attempting to break it but failed. We felt the floor shake as we heard heavy footsteps from someone, or something. A large man, about 6 foot 3 maybe, walked into the hallway with a sledgehammer on one hand. He just stared at us like if we were ants. I felt the tension in the air.


I released my anger and charged at him with my red scythe but got thrown to the wall like a ragdoll but my scythe slashed his chest. He flinched at the pain but got hit by Cry’s magic. Cry let out a dark green light and smashed it against the guard’s chest, where his heart was. The guard yelped in pain then smashes Yami out the window for getting in his way. Just as we thought the guard was going to attack me once again, he collapsed on the door that Marzia was locked in, breaking the whole wall and leaving a huge crack on the floorboards.

Minx quickly runs at the broken window and yells down below, “Yami!”

Silence for a while. I run over to look out the window to see Yamimash standing up, a huge bruise in his collarbone.

“Queen Minx! Don’t worry! I’ll try to get Mark right now!” Minx nods and we walk back to the group surrounding the tall man.

Pewds walks over the rubble of the fallen wall and hugs Marzia who was standing in the corner. Pewds let out tears as he hugged Marzia.

“Marzia! I thought I would never find you. But I did. WE did. I’m so glad to see you okay.”

Marzia hugs back and was holding Pewds’ hand. I walked over and hugged Marzia.

“I’m glad that you’re okay but who kidnapped you?!”

She shrugged and said with her italian accent, “I didn’t see.”

We group up in the middle of the room, knowing we had to move away from here and quickly. I smile, seeing Marzia and Pewds holding hands, happy to be together once again. Minx notices me smiling and walks over and holds me by my waist.

Minx breaks the silence, “Okay! Now, what do we do?” We all had our thinking-face on.

Minx was about to say something until the floor broke under our feet. We didn’t have time to react when the floor started cracking and breaking from the weight of the large man. We all fall down what seems like 2 or 3 floors down.

As we we're falling, I didn’t want to lose Minx so I tried to reach for her hand but was barely out of reach.

“Minx!” I yell out.

“Krism!” She yells back.

I notice a large piece of wood pointing upwards for a second but I wasn’t able to react to it.

Did you enjoy this chapter? I hope you did! Why? Because I spent a lot of time on this story and I want you guys to enjoy it as much as possible. Please, comment or message me directly about what you thought about this chapter. I already wrote the enitre story down so I might not add or delete anymore things but feel free to tell me your idea on my story. -Brenda

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