Went Alec went out from the bedroom he saw how Magnus and Izzy making a mess in the kitchen. "What is going on here?" Alec looked at them both covered in flour with Magnus' face covered in them. The table is a mess and the things everywhere. It looks like someone turned their kitchen upside down. "We are making pie. Sweet apple pie. Your favorite." Izzy replied. "Depends. Does that pie comes in one piece?" Magnus smirked at Alec comment. He knows how disaster Izzy looks just to made a pie. Alec went to Magnus and hugged him in the mess. He wiped Magnus face from the flour and his hair then he kissed him on the lips. "Ughhh you guys please don't have to be so lovey-dovey in front of me." They both smiled at her and Alec let go of Magnus and went to wash some of the plates. Magnus and Izzy were still arguing on making the ingredient and who has the best recipe. Alec just smiled hearing their arguments. He was washing the plates and placed them in the dryer. When he was done with the plates they both were putting the pie in the oven. They were cleaning up the mess on the table. Magnus was removing all the item and throw them in the trash can while Izzy washed out the pan they used. Alec was wiping the table when suddenly he felt the room was spinning. He stopped and leaning on the table, closing his eyes shut. This is worst than feeling vomit. He felt like he is in the space where no gravity on. He know he was about to fall but only thing he could manage was calling out Magnus name. "Magnus.." He turned around and see Alec looking pale and was holding their kitchen table. Alec was losing his grip and fall on the floor but he managed to catch him before his whole body fall on the ground. "Alexander, whats wrong. Babe wake up please." He held Alec in his arm and cupping his face, patting his cheek softly to wake him up. Izzy was behind Magnus and she got terrified look on her face. But moments later Alec's eyelid opened slowly and he noticed he is in Magnus' arm and he was on the floor. "What happened?" He asked as if he doesn't know what is going on. "Oh thank god you're scared the crap out of me. Are you okay?" Magnus was trembling holding Alec in his arm. Alec nodded confused. Magnus helped him up and carried him to the couch. He lay him down with small pillow under his head. "I'm calling Dr Ranver." Magnus stood up and grabbed his phone. He didn't think twice and called that woman. Luckily she gave the number earlier and Magnus had saved it before he forgot where he put the card. Izzy was by Alec side, she brought water for him to drink. He held it and sips on a few before laying back down. He heard Magnus introduced himself on the phone and described what happened. He was surprised he didn't remember falling, all he remembers was feeling dizzy before everything went black. "Yeah, I don't know what happened exactly he just passed out for a moment then regained back his consciousness. He did. Come to the hospital?" He looked at Alec and Alec sat up shook his head signing no. he doesn't want to go to hospital again. "I'll try to convinced him. But what can I do in the mean time?" He looked at Magnus while Izzy was rubbing the back of his palm. Magnus was talking on the phone for a while and Alec keep on looking at him, keep turning his head over since Magnus take the call at the kitchen area. 

It took him a while till he returned back at the couch. Alec sit up and Magnus sat by his side. Izzy get up to give them a space. She was sitting on the chair she pulled closer to Alec. "What did she said?" Alec looked at Magnus with curious look but only to have him looking back with sad eyes. "Alexander lets go to the hospital and have you checked up, I promised we will go home after." Magnus making his case but Alec rolled his eyes and shakes his head. "No Magnus, I'm tired of hospitals." He wanted to get up but Magnus pulled him back down. "Alexander please don't be so stubborn. Think about the babies." Magnus was so desperate and he hoped Alec will consider the request. "No Magnus, I don't want to go back. I'm tired of people poking me and examined me not too mention the waiting, I promised I'll stay home and I will follow everything you asked me but please don't made me go to the hospital. Please." Alec was desperate too, he started to beg and Magnus sighed in frustration. "Fine but no junk food for 3 days. Only organic." Alec looked at him with sad face and nodded. He doesn't want to argue more with his Alpha. As long as Magnus let him stay not forcing him to go to the hospital. Izzy sighed at his brother being so stubborn. She was worried if this could happened again. Then she smelled something burning. "Oh god the pie." She ran to the kitchen and leaving Alec and Magnus on the couch to talk. "Are you sure your okay? You got me worried sick Alexander." Magnus was stroking Alec's cheek and Alec could see that Magnus is worried about him. He nodded and he leaned in to hug Magnus. Magnus holds him back and let Alec rested his chin on his shoulder. They were hugging when suddenly Izzy walked in. "uhmm guys, not to ruined the mood but the pie is ruined. We need to ordered out for dinner." Izzy said while holding the burnt pie in her hand. Magnus couldn't help to laughed and Alec just rolled his eyes and leaned back on the couch. "I'm ordering Taki's." Alec looked at him with wide eyes and before he could say what he wants Magnus stopped him. "A-A-A... your are eating what I'm ordering you. You promised me remember." Alec pouted and leaned back down. He turned on the TV and watched whatever its on. He heard how Magnus and Izzy were talking in the kitchen but he choose to ignore them.

 Later there's a knocked on the door and Izzy opened them. It was their orders. Alec couldn't help it but the smell of the food is so good. It makes his stomach growled and he wonders what Magnus ordered for him. They put everything on the table and gave the food accordingly. He gave Izzy's orders which is shrimp noodles and he ordered himself a fried rice with moo shoo pork, some wonton soup and Magnus pulled out for Alec chicken Caesar salads. Then he sat down on the floor enjoying his meals. Alec frowned when he looked at his food. "Magnus don't torture me like this." Magnus ignores Alec's whining and keep on eating, so was Izzy. "You promised me remember." Alec put down his food and went to the bedroom. He was so angry at Magnus and he knows Magnus is punishing him. "Oh, oh you're in trouble. Don't pissed of pregnant person especially when they are hungry." Izzy looked at Magnus and she knows now Alec is angry. Magnus stood up and put his food down. As he was walking towards the bedroom Alec came out with a sweater and looks like he wants to go out. "Where are you going?" Alec just walked past him and went towards Izzy, "Izzy keys?" He asked for her car keys and Izzy doesn't want them to argue. "Alec where are you going?" Alec was looking around the apartment for her car keys, "If you refused to give me what I want, I will go out and find it myself. Now where is the damn keys?" He started to raise his voice making Izzy scared. She doesn't want to get him angry but she doesn't want Magnus to get angry too. "Alexander, you are not leaving this house. You promised me you would do as I said now calm the fuck down before you hurt yourself!" Magnus' voice is stern and strong. Alec looked at him and his face is angry as hell. They both looked at each other like two wolves going to claw each other. Suddenly Alec throw a pillow at Magnus but he missed it and it made him even more angrier. So he grabbed another pillow next to it and throw at Magnus. "Alexander stopped!" Magnus got more upset with Alec. He couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed Alec's wrist to stop him and he lifted Alec up on his shoulders and carried him to the bedroom. Alec fought in his defense but he can never fight his Alpha. He was fighting him on Magnus' shoulder. When they got to the bedroom he throw Alec on the bed. Alec clenched on his stomach as Magnus being rough on him while carrying him. "I had enough Alexander! Stop acting like a child and consider how I feel! I'm doing everything for your own good but you are so stubborn to see it!" Magnus let go of his anger. He wished he didn't say that to him but he can't let Alec destroying himself anymore. He saw Alec's eyes became watery and tears flowing down his cheek as he blink. He didn't say anything to respond Magnus' words. Magnus turned his back and stormed out the room leaving Alec cried to himself on the bed. When he went out Izzy was already carrying her purse. "I'm so sorry Magnus, Alec can be like this sometimes. He took our father bad side a lot after all these years. But he is actually stubborn as our mum. I will leave you two plus I have to get home, I got class tomorrow." Magnus nodded while let out a deep breath. Izzy hug him before she left. She whispered into Magnus' ears. "Don't be so hard on him." Magnus sighed in her hugs but he is still angry. She left the loft hoping those idiots didn't do anything stupid. Magnus sat on the couch thinking, he refused to finished his food since he lost his appetite. He lay his head in his palm breathing in deep. He let Alec calm down in the room first before he will talk to him again. They both need to calm down. 



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