"Well, do you like anyone?" I asked.

"Yeah. There's this guy in my French class. His name's Carter. He's super nice. I've only talked to him a couple times." She said.

I nodded as something caught my eye.

"She lied." I said.

"What? Who lied?" Emily asked.

"Rylee." I pointed at the "cool kids" table. She was making out with Jake.

"Why would she lie to us?" I asked.

"I don't know. Ever since she's been with Jake she's been different." Emily stated.

I looked away from them. Also at the cool kids table I saw Ethan talking to Nash and Jack Johnson. He looked my way and I looked at my food.

This was so stupid. I had to talk to him. I agreed with him. Hiding our relationship is not good. I was going to walk over there, but I never found the courage.

My eyes trailed to Matthew. He was sitting at the same table but far away from Ethan. He looked at me and bit his bruised lip. He winked at me.

I looked away from him as well. I just wanted to leave. I saw Matthew get up from his table. He looked as if he was walking towards my table.

"I'll be right back." I told Emily. I got up from our table and ran to the girls bathroom. He couldn't go in there.

I locked myself in a stall hoping he wouldn't be bold and come in here.

"Remi." Matthew called out. "It's okay, you don't have to be scared baby."

When he called me baby it felt different. It felt disgusting. It wasn't the same when he did it.

"Remi, I know you're in here. I won't hurt you." He said. I knew he was lying, but his gentle voice made it think he wasn't gonna hurt me.

I still didn't budge no matter how tempting it was. I was crouching down on the toilet so he couldn't see my feet. When I heard his footsteps find there way out of the bathroom I unlocked the stall and jumped off the toilet.

I carefully walked out of the bathroom. A figure jumped out at me and pinned me against the wall.

"So we meet again." Matthew said.

"Get off of me." I told him.

"Shut up. I don't have to listen to you. Anyway, I'm throwing a party on Friday. I want you to come." He said.

I shook my head.

"I don't want to." I whispered.

"Well, you're going or there's gonna be hell to pay, okay? It's gonna be fun Remi." He traced the wasteline of my pants. I squirmed around to get him off of me.

"Anyway, gotta go. See ya later beautiful." He said. He kissed me on the cheek. I wiped it off in disgust.

I saw Ethan walk with Grayson down the hall. I couldn't help but break down. I saw Emily coming down the other hallway.

"Remi! Are you okay? I got worried." She said taking me in for a hug.

"I'm fine, Emily. I just..." I trailed off. I couldn't think of a good excuse.

Emily released from the hug. Ethan was standing there looking at me while Grayson was still talking to him.

"What happened?" Emily asked.

"Nothing." I lied.

Emily never knew about the Matthew thing. Neither did Rylee. They didn't even know Matthew and I dated. Explaining all of this to her would make her go crazy. And possibly kill someone.

"Obviously somthing did happen, or you wouldn't be crying. I'm not that stupid." She said. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the bathroom. I didn't want Ethan to see me like that.

Emily didn't follow me.

Ashley and Danielle were applying more make-up in the mirror. Like they needed anymore...

"Oh. Look, it's the boyfriend stealer." Ashley said turning around putting her mascara in her purse.

Danielle turned around.

"We should really teach you a lesson for stealing my boyfriend. Right Dani?" Ashley asked.

Danielle pretended to crack her knuckles and they both walked closer to me. Danielle took a swing at me, I moved too late.

Her punch left a bloody nose. Ashley scratched my face with her fake nails. They kicked and hit more. Danielle pushed me back hard against the cement wall. I didn't even try to fight back. I knew that fighting back would be pointless so... Why try?

Once they decided I had enough they left silently.

I laid there on the floor staring up at the ceiling. My eyes felt heavy.

"REMI!" I heard someome scream. I couldn't speak. I just laid there. I closed my eyes and everything went dark.

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