"I need you're help getting Mer's family to New York for the MSG show."

"I thought they were already coming?" He asked.

"Something came up and they can't, I need you to work some magic and get them there."

"I'll see what I can do." I nodded and walked back into the living room.

I explained the plan to Charlie and he agreed. I then texted Mer's moms to let them know what was going on.

I sure hope this works.

Merci's POV

I felt the bus stop so I sighed, taking my headphones out and opening the curtain. I found a pair of sunglasses and put them on to cover the redness in my eyes. I slid on a pair of slippers and a cardigan, following the boys off of the bus. It was a little chilly due to the wind of whatever city we were in. We were at a truck stop off the highway, they probably needed to put more gas in the bus. This one had the gas station, a McDonald's and a subway attached to it.

Shawn waited at the bottom of the stairs to the bus for me and grabbed my hand as I stepped down. I laid my head against his arm as we walked towards the store.

"Where do you want to eat?" He asked as he opened the door to let me in. I didn't have enough energy to answer so I just pointed to McDonald's. He sighed as we walked. "I want a caramel iced coffee and a small fry." I typed on my phone and showed it to him. He nodded and went to stand in line as I went to sit at a booth. Charlie soon joined me with a sub and a water.

"Are you okay?" He asked unwrapping his sandwich. I nodded slightly and leaned up against the wall of the booth.

Shawn came back to the table with the tray and the drinks. He handed me my iced coffee along with a medium order of fries and a Reese's McFlurry.

"You didn't have to get me ice cream," I said my voice barely above a whisper. Shawn and Charlie exchanged glances and then went back to eating.

I pushed my sunglasses on top of my head before taking a bite of the ice cream. I kept my head leaned against the wall the entire time we were in there. Shawn and Charlie were having a conversation but I was completely zoned out. I was trying to subtlety stare at the 14 ish year old that was subtlety staring at us.

"Babe, you should go talk to that girl over there. She's been staring at us for a while now." I said nonchalantly pointing my spoon at her. I guess she noticed because she turned back around to her food.

"I think she was only staring because you were staring at her too." Charlie said.

"She was staring first," I muttered taking another bite of ice cream. Shawn laughed and then stood up to walk over to her.

"The ice cream's not helping, but don't tell him. I don't want him to worried about me." I said to Charlie as soon as Shawn was out of hearing distance.

"I don't what to do here. Do you want advice or do you want me to find something else to talk about?" He asked, talking quieter than usually. I glanced over at Shawn and the fan, who seemed to be having a small conversation.

"I just want this tour to be over with." I said sliding my sunglasses back on and putting on a fake smile. "Hey guys, I thought I might as well bring you along with us across the country. We are currently at a McDonald's about an hour from the Colorado state line. We've been on the road for 6ish hours now and it sucks. I may do a live stream later in the day. Screenshot or tweet me if you think that'd be cool. Later loves" I posted on Snapchat using the dog filter. Who doesn't love the dog filter?

I slid my glasses back into my hair as Shawn walked back to the table. Andrew came up to us to tell us that it was time to get back on the road. I walked over into the gas station part of the building and bought a couple bottles of water and a pack of gum before walking back to the bus.

When I got back on the bus I grabbed my blanket and phone charger from my bunk before going to lay on the couch. Shawn and Charlie soon made appearances, Charlie going back to his chair and Shawn sitting at the other end of the chair. I plugged my phone in and laid it on the floor in front of me. Charlie clicked play on Thor and we sat there and watched it in almost complete silence. About halfway through, I got completely frustrated and felt like screaming.

I threw the blanket off of me and walked back to the bunks and grabbed all of the pillows, making a giant stack of them on the floor. I laid my head face down on the top one and pushed down, hoping to cut down on all of the noise as possible.

And then I just screamed, and screamed, and screamed. It felt good, but it didn't make me feel any better. I stood straight and just started punching the pillows and went that didn't help I grabbed them and started hitting them on the side of the bunks.

After about five minutes of brutally assaulting the perfectly fine pillows, I sank to the floor and cried. Hysterically. I couldn't control it. My body was shaking and it felt like my lungs were going to collapse. I grabbed onto my knees and started rocking back and forth, counting backwards slowly from 100.

I reached about mid twenties when Shawn walked over, cautiously. I sat down behind me and wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me closer to him. I started counting again from 100. I laid my head on his chest so I could count to the beat of his heart.  He didn't do anything else, he just held me. Which is all I needed.

When I had calmed down after counting, Charlie walked over handing me a glass of what looked like red wine.

"Where did you get that?" I asked as he sat down across from me and Shawn.

"When we stopped for food, I had a feeling you may need it." Charlie said stretching the cup out to me.

"Alcohol is not a cure all medicine Charlie," I said, my voice a little hoarse from screaming and crying.

"Just have a drink, you'll feel better." Shawn said.

"Did you just use your own song lyrics in a sentence?" I asked sitting up slightly to look at him in the face.

"Yes. And I'm not ashamed of it either." He said. I laughed, not a real laugh, but a ''my boyfriend and best friend are stupid' laugh.

I took the glass of wine from Charlie and chugged it. I wasn't planning on chugging the whole thing, but after the first sip it just tasted too good not too.

"You want another glass?" Charlie asked standing up.

"Just bring the whole bottle."

I cringed so much when I typed the in my blood lyrics into the conversation, but I regret nothing.


Also it's the middle of spring in the south and it's snowing. Someone come get Elsa before I get my hands on her

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