Together Forever

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Did I really want to get back together with Cayden? "Yes you do!! Why would you come all the way to his office?" My wolf urged. I sighed and pushed the door open. Here goes nothing.

He was sitting at his desk, working on some papers. Dillon sat in the chair in front of Cayden's desk telling him about some hunters in the area. They both looked up at me. "Oh sorry, I wanted to talk with Cayden. I'll come back later" I said turning around. Mentally thanking Dillon.

"No it's Ok, our meeting was over anyway" Dillon reassured, getting up from his seat. He gave me a quick hug before he left. Whispering in my ear. "Use protection". I. smacked his arm as he smirked.

Cayden motioned to the seat that Dillon was recently sitting on. I walked over to it and plopped down on it. He pushed the papers to the side of the desk and looked up at me waiting for me to talk. " I have been thinking............a lot. And I think it wouldn't hurt to give you another chance." He smirked as I said that.

"But this is officially your last chance. Keep your shit together and we won't have any problems" I warned. I was speaking the truth when I said it was his last chance. He motioned me to him. I sighed lazily but got off anyway. I sat on his lap and faced him. "What?"

"Oh nothing. Just wanted to have my beautiful mate in my arms again" He said cockily. "You asshole!!! You made me walk all the way over here for that?!?!?"

He chuckled and held me closer. "What did Dillon say to you on the way out?" He asked. "Oh nothing. And how could you not hear" I aksed. " I wasn't listening, but really tell me." He begged. I sighed but told him anyway. " He said to use protection". My cheeks heated up just saying that, and I'm sure my face is as red as a tomato.

" I mean, we could use protection, but if you don't want to.........." He waggled his eyebrows. I laughed and hit his rock hard chest. He growled. and pecked my lips. "I was serious" He joked. "Yeah sure". Someone stepped into the room and cleared their throat. I turned my head and saw Will, the new third in command. He was replacing Logan.

" Alpha may I have a word with you?" Cayden nodded. I took this as a sign to leave. Before I left he gave me a another peck. I waved at Will as I left the room. Just as I did, I heard someone slam the door shut downstairs. "I'm home mothafuckas!!! I hope you all missed me!!!!!!!!!! I brought pizza!!!!!!!!!" Jay yelled running up the stairs.

I snuck up behind her and pushed her into my room. " I have shitloads of stuff to tell you." I said out of breath. She nodded frantically and held out the pizza box to me. "Pizza?"


"Ok so I went the movie theaters today-"

" What movie did you watch?"

"The Fault in Our Stars-"

"Was it good?"


" How hot was Augustus?"

"STOP INTERRUPTING ME!!!" I scream frusterated at Jay. She winced at my tone and mumbled quietly: " Go on, geez.."

" Anyway, there weren't a lot of people there. So get this, this boy named Derrick sits next to me out of all the other seats available. Then he starts flirting with me. So I try to get him to fuck off by telling him I have a boyfriend. Then he asks for a picture of him. So I show him a picture of Cayden and I when we were still a couple. He asks a few personal questions, buy I just ignore him after that. So on the way back home, I feel like the same car was following me. It was a silver Toyota Atlantic. I use my werewolf vision through the rear view mirror and I see him!!! Can you believe it?! He was following me home, and when I drove into the territory he drives straight ahead but he looks at me one more time!! Creepiest thing ever!!!" I inform Jay.

By now we were already halfway done with the pizza. "So what you are saying is that you got stalked today? That's awsome!!" She beamed. This chick is just....uhhhgggg!!

" Anything else I need to know?" She asked curiously raising one eyebrow. "Oh yeah, Cayden and I are back together.." I said like it was nothing. "Cool" She commented wiping the grease of the pizza from her mouth with a napkin. " Imma hit the hay, good night" She took the empty box with her and burped on the way out. "JAYLITSA ANDERSON!!!!!!" I scream disgusted.

She bursts out laughing in the hallway. I turned on my TV and got into bed. Cayden came into my room with only a pair of boxers. I licked my lips at his appearance. His hair was damp and messy-like he just got out of the shower- and his eyes were very dark. His skin looked more tan from so much time out in the sun. And if possible, his chest, abs, and biceps seemed more stronger.

He walked slowly to me. His intoxicating scent got more stronger every step he took. " What do you want Cayden" I asked him. He shrugged and literally jumped into the bed. Almost squishing me. I sighed but made room for him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. "Just wanted to be closer to you" He said into my ear.

As my recorded episodes of The Walking Dead came to an end,  started to doze off. The last thing I heard was : "I love you".


I have one question, please comment your answer.

Sex scene soon or nah?

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